MovieChat Forums > Movie Awards > Do you think Pacinoyes is Imdb admin?

Do you think Pacinoyes is Imdb admin?

He disappeared right before the closing announcement, he knew what would happen with message board...

"Forget it, Jake...It's Chinatown!"


I think he is dead, I really do. He was pretty old (probably like 60+?), and nowadays, nobody disappears for that long, especially not from a board he literally visited every single day. If you're really that busy, you can check IMDb from your iPad, iPhone right before you go to sleep, or whatever. Dude hasn't even logged in for a whole month.


No but if he doesn't reapears before the boards close, we (or some) could never know what really happened to him, it makes the whole thing very intriguing and mysterious...the kind of things pacinoyes loved in movies.

That being said, hope to see him appears in others movies websites, and he will be very easy to recognize.


That's beautiful.



"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway". - Walt Disney



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