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OT: The Walking Dead mid season finale

Has anyone else completely lost interest this season? I'm obviously still gonna watch but these episodes have been filler and just boring. Negan is a great villain though but the fact that he's not challenged just makes it kinda boring.


I wouldn't say they are boring, but they are much less eye popping than the season opener.


Like what you did there, like it.

I wouldn't say boring either. It's just development of characters and situations. You can't have all fighting and gore. You need to develop situations for there to be a pay off when the time comes. If I found it boring, I wouldn't watch. Granted there are slower episodes but it's fine. It's at a point in the story when things are pretty damn depressing for our group but once Rick gets his mojo back and they start to rebel, it'll be a whole lot more attention grabbing.

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I lost interest in Season 2. Congrats to those who made it to now. #commitment

AKA GTTT, TDA, and Pikkiwoki, the New Guinean Mud God


Incredibly boring now in my opinion. For me it all went downhill after the whole Beth storyline. I tried to get back into it, being that I invested so much time into the show, but I can't watch it anymore. Just awful.

~*~Rob: Wtf lmao, stop, this is wack broh. ~*~


I feel the same way as everyone else. The first couple seasons were so good, but once Shane got killed off, it all started going downhill (not even because of him in particular). Season 3 (and even 4) was still really good and I liked the prison setting, but ever since then the quality has taken a real nosedive and it has gotten boring (I still have the last couple episodes recorded on my dvr and have no drive to even watch them). I like Rick and Carol, but a lot of the other characters who I liked have already gotten killed off.


Personally, I think the past 2 episodes (not counting tonight), the ones focusing on Tara and Carl/Negan have been two of the best episodes in the series. They were about storytelling and not action. Tonight's episode was very meh. Other than the ending with olivia dying it was very bland and predictable. But I did find myself thinking, "Rosita don't do it."then she did and another one of the best supporting characters died. Which personally I think is a great aspect of a show, that I will admit has never been great. (Sorry everyone that loved season 1, it was not the best other than the pilot and camp attack) Everyone knows the core cast (rick, carl, judith, Daryl, carol, maggie, and michonne) are safe unless one of the actors decides to leave the show. So by introducing fun characters like Denise, Olivia, Deanna, Lizzie/Mika, Milton, Karen, Axel and others from earlier seasons) you can build up characters to be likeable just to rip them away without majorly affecting your story. Then you get your secondary characters which somewhat effect the plot (Tyrese, Abraham, Beth, Bob) which die every so often, but their deaths become predictable in attempts to keep comic fans happy, that they just aren't enjoyable.

Sorry I got way off topic. But nevertheless this episode was meh, but the previous two were great imo.



I still love it. The episodes this season besides the Daryl one and the Tara one were shot for shot, panel for panel straight out of the comics. I love that. I was looking forward to the Spencer scene so much and they nailed it. Can't wait for All Out War.

"I am not a stud. I’m a boyfriend. I love love and I cuddle for enjoyment."


I don't get that though lol the excitement over seeing something you know will happen? I watch a reviewer's Youtube channel and he predicts what will happen and talks about things and the Spencer death came up, would it happen, wouldn't it. Then I read the comments and everyone was so sure it would and for me, I'd rather have not known. I'd have enjoyed that part more not knowing what was coming. It made me realise I shouldn't watch prediction videos of someone who reads the comics. I don't wanna know. I will still watch his reviews and Q and A videos but no more predictions.

Also damn, I want to look at that spoiler bar but don't want it to spoil another predictable death. I can't wait for Arat's death. Bitch. How can she kill an innocent woman and not feel remorse? Negan you get but some of the saviours are cold hearted bastards, and the two who beat Aaron to a pulp!

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
