MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > iBig Brother 11: Grand Casino {GT4}

iBig Brother 11: Grand Casino {GT4}

iBig Brother 11: Grand Casino 🃏
Host: Iraheto
Co-Host: TomcatMurr
Co-Host: CherrySnow

Forum: whole new batch of houseguests battle it out in one of the wildest Big Brother seasons ever with a new twist that will change up the game like never before. Over the course of a month one by one, the houseguests will be sent packing but only one lucky houseguest will walk away with the title of iBig Brother champion.brady911

Head of Household
Veto Winner
Saved by Veto
EvictedGame History:

Week 1
HOH: doLLish
Noms: brady911 & DubyaCeeDubya
POV: kyogre123
Final Noms: brady911 & DubyaCeeDubya
Evicted: DubyaCeeDubya (7-2-X)

Week 2
HOH: kyogre123
Noms: jasmineporter12 & mindthinkr
POV: justinfrando
Final Noms: jasmineporter12 & mindthinkr
Evicted: jasmineporter12 (7-1-X)

Week 3
HOH: justinfrando
Noms: doLLish & stonekeeper_ever
POV: kyogre123
Final Noms: shred-com & stonekeeper_ever
Evicted: stonekeeper_ever (6-1)

Week 4
HOH: doLLish
Noms: brady911 & bria2005
POV: doLLish
Final Noms: brady911 & justinfrando
Evicted: brady911 (5-2)

Week 5
HOH: kyogre123
Noms: HarleyStodden & justinfrando
POV: bria2005
Final Noms: justinfrando & shred-com
Evicted: justinfrando (3-3 + HOH Tiebreker) [First Juror]

Week 6
HOH: doLLish
Noms: EnnJaySee & shred-com
POV: bria2005
Final Noms: EnnJaySee & shred-com
Evicted: EnnJaySee (5-0) [Second Juror]

Week 7
HOH: bria2005
Noms: doLLish & kyogre123
POV: HarleyStodden
Final Noms: doLLish & kyogre123
Evicted: kyogre123 (4-0) [Third Juror]

Week 8
HOH: wheresjoeysmovie
Noms: bria2005 & HarleyStodden
POV: doLLish
Final Noms: bria2005 & HarleyStodden
Evicted: bria2005 (3-0) [Fourth Juror]

Week 9
HOH: shred-com
Noms: doLLish & mindthinkr
POV: doLLish
Final Noms: HarleyStodden & mindthinkr
Evicted: mindthinkr (2-0) [Fifth Juror]

Week 10
HOH: doLLish
Noms: HarleyStodden & shred-com
POV: doLLish
Final Noms: HarleyStodden & shred-com
Evicted: HarleyStodden (1-0) [Sixth Juror]

Week 11
Part 1: wheresjoeysmovie
Part 2: doLLish
Part 3 HOH: ???
Final Noms: ??? & ???
Evicted: ??? Schedule (all times in Central time):

Friday, December 16th - Part #3 - 8:00 PM CST» Quitting is not allowed. Once the game begins you will either get evicted or win the game. Quitting in a game like this is unfair to the rest of the players.
» Failure to vote 3 times will result in an expulsion. If we see there is any other problem we as hosts have a say in any other expulsion.


I'm sure you all are familiar with how the final HOH works. Everyone will compete in Part 1 and the winner will advance to Part 3. The losers of Part 1 will face off in Part 2 and the winner advances to Part 3.

The winner of Part 3 tomorrow will become the final Head of Household. Good luck, Part 1 and Part 2 begin tonight at 8:00 PM CST.


Final Head of Household Part 1
Days Of Our BB Lives

Welcome to Part 1 of the final Head of Household. There has been many grueling days in this game and tonight it's time to put that to the test.

Tonight's competition is called Days of Our BB Lives. In each round I will post an event that happened in the game. Your job will be to figure out what day that event happened (ex: Day 2, Day 4 etc). Once you have your answer you must send me a Private Message. Since the game has begun there have been 26 days.

Day 1 = Cast Reveal
Day 26 = Today

Each round I will give everyone 3 mins to PM their answer, and whoever answers correctly first or whoever comes closest first in 3 mins will score a point. First houseguest to score 3 points will win Part 1 of the final Head of Household. The losers move on to Part 2.

You can answer more than once per round but if no one gets the answer right in 3 minutes then I will only count your final answer. If there are no questions then Round 1 begins at 8:06.


What day did I reveal which lottery ticket had the revival?


The correct answer is Day 19. Joey answered correctly first and scores a point.

Remember you can answer more than once. Round 2 begins at 8:12


What day did Frando win the power to steal a vote?


The correct answer is Day 10. Bobby answered correctly first and scores a point.

Round 3 begins at 8:17


What day did Harley win his first veto?


The answer was Day 18.

Bobby's last answer = Day 20
Taylor's answer = Day 16
Joey's last answer = Day 5

Taylor was first so she scores 1 point. We are tied 1 point a piece each. Round 4 begins at 8:24
