I completely forgot about it 🤣 I miss when this board was active with 2-3 games at a time. Who's gonna take the reigns and host Survivor IMDb 61, Big Brother IMDb 27 or a new series?


I'm thinking of starting a new Movie Idol game, but I don't think I could come up with enough challenges for a Survivor or BB game.

When I touch you, I think of myself.


How about a Survidol? Lol.

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I'd be willingish. You wanna judge or co-host? You'd have to behave yourself.

When I touch you, I think of myself.


I guess there can't be a BB / Survivor game without making it an idol hybrid.


Looking at that reminds me of all of the old school games that I was involved in. I still don't remember much.


I'd love to do one to try to kickstart things again, but I don't have the ingenuity.

When I touch you, I think of myself.


I was just looking at this and I am laughing at me being omitted from the cast of Bitch Survivor 21. Pretty sure I asked Mel about it once and she just said "lol"

If anyone wants to add me, I was Minerva McGonagall and I finished in fourth place. R.ude.

And I dont know who the current president of the board is or who is in charge but if they allow me to host S61, I am totally willing to do it so, hmu.

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Why were you omitted?
