MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > Cooltu101 film and tv big brother idol ...

Cooltu101 film and tv big brother idol finale thread winner announced!!

For over two months of competition Jesse and will have made it to the end and one of them are about to win the first season of cooltu101 film and tv big brother


Justin's vote
My vote goes to Will.

In my opinion Jesse just did a joey in ibb11.


Mets vote

My vote is for Jesse as winner of BB. We had a pact early in this game, but that's not the reason I'm voting for him as winner. He played a very good game if you look beyond the constant complaining.

We are tied one vote Jesse one vote Will


Martin's vote

I vote for Will
And then I'm putting this whole disaster behind me.

Will leads now 2 to 1


Taylor voted for Jesse to win

We are tied two votes Jesse Jesse two votes Will


At least it wont be a landslide.


David's vote

I am voting Jesse the winner of your game.

Jesse now leads Will Three to two


Mistys vote

I vote Jesse to win.

I voted Jesse because I feel like he played a better game. Congrats again to both of you for making it the end. Good luck


Congrats man, well played.

i played a less than stellar game, i can admit that now. lol
