MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > The Autopsy of Jane Doe

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

If anyone want to watch a good scary movie that doesnt rely on sex, then definitely watch this. Definitely gives a creepy vibe, these types of movies are also really hard to find. So yes give it a watch!


I kind of want to see The Bye Bye Man. Penner wrote it

You can get a look at a good T-Bone Steak by sticking your head up a bull's ass.


Oh im definitely going to watch that too.
Hopefully we get some good scary movies this year.


The bye bye man will be terrible, based solely on its name. If you can't come up with a better title or monster name, then my guess is the writing is just as terrible lol



arik watch the jane doe movie!


I really like Emile Hirsch so that's a plus. But supernatural horror movies are very boring to me, and by boring i mean they legit put me to sleep.
Blood, guts, screaming, sex and loud noises are what makes horror movies lol



well there is blood and guts since it is based on a morgue.Emile hirch and Brian cox was actually awesome in this movie. There was a lot of creepy elements there and it just sets an eerie atmosphere but lol that's new, havent seen a person fell asleep watching a scary movie, wait nvm my dad did.


I watched it last week, not really expecting too much, but I was impressed. Quite an original take on the theme, and brian cox is always reliable.

"Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?"
