MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > Survivor IMDb LXI: ANARCHY-JURY THREAD


Welcome to Survivor IMDb LXI: ANARCHY

Hosted By:

Imperator Colt (kyogre123)

Ms. Fortune (alrmwoo)

IMDb is in a state of crisis. Its president, Javi Iraheto, mysteriously quit the position, leaving the board without a ruler or any sort of government to keep the place in order. Will things ever be the same? Will order return to this board, or are we moving into a new age of chaos, lawlessness and turmoil?

Now, a small group of 15 survivors are ready to bring back a series that many thought was dead. But will they be successful? Will they be able to work through their differences or will chaos and Idol games continue to rule the land?

The rules, if they can be called that, have been set. The stage is ready. 15 will battle it out for control of this wasteland, but only one will come out victorious.

The Survivors:

The Splendid Slit (justinfrando)

Legion Dealgood (JB_is_awesome)

3rd Place (Seventh Jury Member): Gyro Coma (CherrySnow)
4th Place (Sixth Jury Member): Jedediah Blackfinger (cooltu101)
5th Place (Fifth Jury Member): Egir Storm (Eric_the_Pelican)
6th Place (Fourth Jury Member): Lord Nightrider (DJMykee)
7th Place (Third Jury Member): Master Nix (Arik_the_Great)
8th Place (Second Jury Member): Capable Bullet (KingJesseRebel)
9th Place (First Jury Member): Little Love (SweetSunflower)

Eliminated (Pre-Jury):

10th Place: Doctor Ironbar (DubyaCeeDubya)
11th Place: Feresa Vicious (dnashobviously234)
12th Place: Feral Mohawk (realitytvfreak2)
13th Place: Toadie Knuckles (Sunnyfish)
14th Place: General Keeper (soco-81)
15th Place: Johnny Chrome (Oxymoxanne)

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Legion Dealgood (JB_is_awesome) and The Splendid Slit (justinfrando), congratulations on surviving the bloodbath and making it to the final 2. You made it as far as you can in this game. But now the power shifts to the jury. 7 people you had a hand directly or indirectly in voting out of this game. These 7 people will now get their chance to address you for the first time.

We will begin with opening statements. Please post them when you are ready, but please DON'T TAKE TOO LONG. Hopefully both will be up tonight.

Jurors, please wait to ask your questions/make your comments. I know some of you probably won't read this, so, finalists, please don't answer any questions or address any comments until both of you have posted your opening statements.

JB, Frando, the floor is yours. Post your opening statements now.

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Wow congrats JB! I don't know how you managed to beat the odds and make it here.

And damn Cherry girl everyone thought you were winning this. 



This is an awesome final 2 everyone in the top 5 would have beebn awesome


Nope. You wouldn't have. You were nothing but a freaking floater all game that had zero chance of winning. You pissed off a bunch of us lmao.

So much delusion.

In Trump We Trust


Jesse can you just stop being nasty to everyone do you need to always reply

By the way jesse the only reason you were in that skype room was because of eric he was like guys jesse wants to join our skype group what were we suposed to say no? You should thank eric for you making it so far.


Turner, I only said yes to keep an eye on things you IDIOT.

I never considered myself a part of the alliance and Eric invited me so I said sure to keep an eye on what was going on, same reason I kept close with Mykee etc.... so I can always know what is happening on both ends... Eric knew this. You're an idiot for real. Get help.

I never once truly considered myself a part of either alliance and would say I am my own man working with whoever is willing to work with me... that happened to be Cherry and Eric etc. for a while. I always filled them in and would have Mykee too but he was too all over the place. He would have ran and told someone else and it would eventually get back to Cherry... so to avoid that I never told him anything but still tried giving him advice that he never listened to -_-

You would have been gone instead of RTF if not for me. You need to stop running away at the mouth and kiss my *beep* feet you peasant.

The ONLY reason I kept you around over RTF was to avoid the backlash from the Cherry led alliance too soon. I knew it would happen eventually but I wanted it to happen later. So I kept you, otherwise your ass was gone. I was the one that suggested you to them LMFAO. It was me. Cause you're trash that does nothing but run his mouth... and then after I save you what do you do??? Go spreading rumors that weren't true about me ...

In Trump We Trust


Turner, I only said yes to keep an eye on things you IDIOT

Like i said the only reason you were,even invited,to our group was cause of eric i dont think you get that and stop calling me an idiot because you are not the sharpist tool in the shead ethier.

You are right about being the deciding vote i really appricate you keeping me


I am about 99% sharper than you. In every way. Keep lying to yourself.


Frando, I actually enjoyed working with you in this game. Its a shame you couldn't get the events of Turners stupid game out of your head. We could have owned if you wanted

In Trump We Trust
