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Kyogre's Which Survivor: Game Changers Castaway Are You? (Sign Ups)

You all know the rules by now but in case people dont know them:

All you do is pick one of these players. Put your name next to them and that's it. Your placement in this game depends on how your choice does in the game.

Everyone is welcomed to sign up as long as you're not an obvious sock.

This eventually becomes a Survivor discussion thread. Show doesn't start until March 8th this year (t.ears)

Andrea Boehlke-realitytvfreak2
Brad Culpepper-KingJesseRebel
Cirie Fields-Firebolt102890
Sarah Lacina-kyogre123
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth-TomCatMurr
Zeke Smith-DJMykee
J.T. Thomas-EnnjaySee
Sierra Dawn Thomas-Angel_of_Purgatory
Tai Trang-Rockstar-09
Debbie Wanner-DanaShelbyChancey
Aubry Bracco-DubyaCeeDubya
Michaela Bradshaw-tom_delonge_ava
Sandra Diaz-Twine-punkrockprincess07
Ciera Eastin-SweetSunflower
Hali Ford-JB_is_awesome
Malcolm Freeberg-CherrySnow
Caleb Reynolds-thanasisk276
Troyzan Robertson-cooltu101
Jeff Varner- xsourxgumxstillxrocksx
Tony Vlachos-WolfNVX4444

Oh it's like slang. From...England


I'll take Cirie


UGHHH!!!!! SHE DIDN'T EVEN POST CLAIMING MALCOLM LOL. Not fair! IMO the only shot a male has to win this season. Bull calls it now, a woman will win

But I'll take JT since I can't have Malcolm.

Seriously what's the point in letting your friends pick first? Bit unfair but whatever, it's in character.

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


The only reason I got to pick early is because he pitied me after the Mari debacle from last season.

I did also mention who Murr wanted, but I doubt anyone from this board was gonna rush to be Ozzy lol.

Taco Coma


I'll take Ozzy

Edit: lol, my name was already there. Either you're psychic or... thanks, Cherry!


I have a feeling about Andrea so I'll take her

Also, I got excited thinking that the cast had been officially revealed and I could watch their lee game interviews

You can get a look at a good T-Bone Steak by sticking your head up a bull's ass.


lol stay strong. I'm sure those will be released sometime next week. They usually release them about a month before the season starts.

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Henry, don't tell me you aren't going to accept me. Come on now. Be fair.


Andrea Boehlke-realitytvfreak2
Brad Culpepper
Cirie Fields-Firebolt102890
Sarah Lacina-kyogre123
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth-TomCatMurr
Zeke Smith
J.T. Thomas-EnnJaySee
Sierra Dawn Thomas
Tai Trang
Debbie Wanner


Aubry Bracco
Michaela Bradshaw
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Ciera Eastin
Hali Ford
Malcolm Freeberg-CherrySnow
Caleb Reynolds
Troyzan Robertson
Jeff Varner
Tony Vlachos

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I want to be Debbie Wanner.


She has the immune system of a horse!


Andrea Boehlke-realitytvfreak2
Brad Culpepper
Cirie Fields-Firebolt102890
Sarah Lacina-kyogre123
Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth-TomCatMurr
Zeke Smith
J.T. Thomas-EnnJaySee
Sierra Dawn Thomas
Tai Trang
Debbie Wanner- Dana Shelby Chancey


Aubry Bracco
Michaela Bradshaw
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Ciera Eastin
Hali Ford
Malcolm Freeberg-CherrySnow
Caleb Reynolds
Troyzan Robertson
Jeff Varner
Tony Vlachos

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!
