MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > Survivor IMDb LXI: FINALE THREAD-WINNER ...


Hello guys and welcome to the season finale of Survivor IMDb LXI: Anarchy. You all fought very hard but in the end, only 2 of you made it all the way to the final 2.

JB_is_awesome (Legion Dealgood) and justinfrando (The Splendid Slit), you both stand here, waiting to know your fate. The jury has voted, all 7 of them and we have a winner. Remember that these are votes for a winner. I will now read the votes. Good luck...

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Legion Dealgood (JB_is_awesome)

Oh it's like slang. From...England


I vote Frando.

Oh it's like slang. From...England


JB, you were inactive at the very beginning cause of school but I messaged you and from then out we kept in touch. You are a very good guy, a very smart guy and a very calm guy. If you said that you were going to do something, you did it, even if you were alone, you stuck to your word, and I commend you for that, as I am the same way. You were loyal and honest and I can not thank you enough. You also started strategizing and finding ways to keep yourself alive in a game where you pretty much stood no chance, and then you went ahead and won the Final 2 comps. You PLAYED THE GAME and I wanna thank you for that. I would rather play the game and get the boot than stay long but refuse to actually play, never making moves etc. You did the former.

Frando, you spoke a lot about what you claim to have done, but we never saw any of that, and even while I was in the alliance with you guys I never once saw you step up, but always do what Cherry said. That is not "playing the game", that is following the leader, what Eric and Turner did all game as well. You never took the initiative, you never wanted to make moves, you never wanted to do anything but hide behind Cherry and use ME as a shield and do as you were told from the Boss Bitch. You literally had to check in with Cherry and Eric for everything, and its pathetic mainly cause Eric is such a weak player that cant win a game. You chose wrong with that one... Cherry you chose wisely. I hope in the future you learn from this mess and actually are willing to make moves, even if they bite you a bit (what happened to me). You're a good guy, but... no.

My vote goes to JB......

Oh it's like slang. From...England


I was going to at least be polite and wait for JB to answer my questions before voting, but you know, ain't nobody got time for that. Anyway, I am happily casting my vote for my dear friend Mr. Frando. Honestly, I think the jury is being very bitter. Some people are mad that Frando flipped after they left, so they didn't get to benefit from it. Others are just mad at the world or something, probably. And then you just have Eric in the corner, blowing trannies or whatever. Anyway, Frando my love, good luck, and hopefully congratulations on your first win, you deserve it.

We are tied. 2 votes JB and 2 votes Frando. 3 votes left to read....

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Fifth Vote: DJMykee (Lord Nightrider)

I'll vote for Justin Frando.

Sixth Vote: Cooltu101 (Jedediah Blackfinger)


Seventh Vote: Arik_the_Great (Master Nix)

Neither one have played the best game, and one is clearly new to the jury answering. However this person at least tried and wants to win.

So I vote for....




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Congratulations on a well deserved win . I watched you play and was definitely impressed with the game you played. All the hard work and calculated moves seem to have paid off and you're now the winner. Congratulations!

JB, not sure what happened there. Not gonna lie, I was hoping this final tribal council would be much more interesting that it turned out to be. I guess, thanks for playing. Bye.

And that is it for us. I want to thank Kathy first of all for helping me host this season! I had a great time hosting with you and if you ever need a co-host or guest judge or whatever for one of your games, let me know!!!!

To the cast, you were all wonderful. We had drama but I think that's to be expected now. But thanks to most of you for being super easy to host for. As this season of Survivor IMDb comes to an end, another one will probably soon come. Hopefully switza's game gets a cast, and if you haven't signed up for that, go do so. 

Time for the reunion show!!!!

Oh it's like slang. From...England


Great job justin i am shocked it wasnt 7 to 0 vote


Congrats Justin!

Turner, no way in hell would he get unanimous. Not with me around.

Unlike Mikey, I can think for myself and did what I wanted, not what Cherry said.

In Trump We Trust


YES FRANDO, get in! Good job...and lol at the bitter bettys voting a virtually non active finalist. Awful. Well done on your win, man.

Well done on second place, JB.

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
