MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > Goodbye Everyone...

Goodbye Everyone...

This seems so weird. It's like losing some good friends(even though most of us have never met}. This has been a lot of fun and I will really miss some of you. Thanasis, thanks for being the best partner in my first game here. You were so kind and wonderful to me. It almost seemed like we had known each other for years. I know that there are a lot of fake friendships here when we play these games, but for me, our friendship was real. Good luck to you in the future.

Other notables are Turner, Murr, Henry, Dana, Jesse, Eric, Pete, Harley, Mas, Mel(a lovely person), Kathy(so kind to me) and Cherry(who will sass me now?}. If I left anyone out, I am sorry. You guys were great. I hope the future is filled with sunny days. Bye.


Take Turner off that list and its perfectly fine...

make a snapchat

In Trump We Trust


See, always trying to start something. Always there to post something negative. POS.

Nice knowing you, David. You'll always have Bull Idol semi-finalist in your heart lol.

 #VivaLaIMDb Games: Other Games. You will be missed!


Aww. You are so cute David


Thanks Neil. Your game was fun. Thanks for all the laughs. Best wishes.


Turner you made this board fun. Maybe we will run into each other at a play or something. Best of luck to you bud.


You should join the new board. Or not - it's up to you. It's been fun... you've been perhaps my main musical kindred spirit here, and for that, I am grateful.

Edit: Oh, nevermind. You did join! YAY!


Tom you're in a mood again???

In Trump We Trust


