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Help finding this danish film…

The film is about a girl who claims her stepfather raped her but no one believes her throughout the film. Then at the end the father confesses to it. Anyone? Thanks


Maybe "Ulven kommer" (2020), an episode entitled "Afsnit 1" - it is miniseries, but sounds like your movie.
"14-year-old Holly has written a school essay in which she accuses her stepfather of physical abuse. The social services' most experienced social worker, Lars Madsen, is handed the case."

"Holly, 14, has written an essay in which she accuses her stepfather of aggravated assault. The municipality's best social worker, Lars Madsen, will be put on the case. Over the course of a day, he ends up urgently placing Holly and her little brother, Theo, with a foster family. The parents are in shock and claim that Holly is lying. Lars now has a few weeks to find his head and tail in the case. But who is telling the truth, and who is hiding a secret?"


It was a feature film.


It will be tough to find.

Maybe "Skal vi danse først?" (1979) ?
"The story of 16-year-old Susanne, her everyday life among her friends and especially her relationship with her parents. When she becomes a page-9 girl in Ekstrabladet, her mother does not want the father to see it, but he takes the news in good spirits, not free to be a little proud of his beautiful daughter. During a visit to a 40-year-old silversmith things go dire. Susanne is violently raped and gets pregnant. Targeted at a youth audience."


That would be Anklaget (2005).


Yes, this is it, thanks!!
