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(SOLVED) porn movie from the 1990s with a female art student in a love triangle

I saw this movie at a hotel in 1998. It looked like a very recent movie to me. I only saw what seemed like about half the movie. There was a young woman who was an art student. She was in an art class that had a middle aged male teacher. One time in her art class a naked woman was there for the students to draw or paint (I don't remember exactly which). She seemed to be in relationships with both the art teacher and a young man with short blonde hair. I think he may have also been an art student in the class. There was an extended graphic scene showing her having sex with the young man.


It could be hard to find, but I found searchengine for these movies:

Perhaps it will be helpful.


It is long shot, but maybe "High Art" (1998) ? But it contains lesbians and men too.


This isn't it. This is about a photographer while the movie I saw was about an art student who was drawing or painting or both. The movie I saw didn't have any lesbianism. And I don't remember there being more than 1 female character.


And maybe "A Real Naked Lady" (1981) ?
"A group of young boys, after looking at pictures in a magazine, want to see a real naked woman. They go to the local art school where they have heard a story that there are nude models. While they are peeking through the windows at a life drawing class one of the boys is caught by the instructor while the others run off."

Other possibility is "Art for Teachers of Children" (1995).
"Jennifer, an intelligent but insecure 14-year-old student at a boarding school, seduces her married dormitory counselor, a photographer who has offered to teach her about his art and winds up shooting her in the nude. She is naive, and he manipulates her into an affair that eventually is discovered. Years later, as the photographer is being investigated by the FBI, the adult woman remembers her first love as a case of herself watching the artist who watched her."


It's not either of them. A Real Naked Lady is way too short, only 13 minutes long. Art for Teachers of Children can't be it because it involves photography rather than drawing or painting. And the movie I'm looking for was about a young adult woman rather than a 14-year-old.


OK. And maybe "Poison Ivy II" (1996) ?
"First time out of Michigan, Lily starts art school in LA and shares a house with other young artistic people. Both her teacher and a roomie/classmate show interest in her."


That's it. Thank you very much.
