MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > (SOLVED) movie from the 1980s-1990s wher...

(SOLVED) movie from the 1980s-1990s where 2 young men try to rob 2 different homes

I saw part of this movie somewhere between 20-30 years ago. It looked like it was made somewhere between the 1980s-1990s. I watched at most 20 minutes of the movie. The main characters seemed to be these 2 young men who for some reason needed to rob a house. If I remember correctly they needed to do this in order to get money for something. At the first house they tried to rob they pretended to be from the gas company. The dad was the only one home when they came. They went down with him to the basement and told him that he had to keep holding a particular button down in order to prevent a gas line explosion. While he was pressing the button they went upstairs and tried to steal the TV. But as they were leaving the house the mom came in with her 2 sons who had just finished karate lessons. They were wearing karate uniforms and used karate on the 2 men to force them out of the house. The 2 men then got into another house, causing a loud alarm to go off. After the alarm stopped they found a note saying that the homeowners would be gone for an extended period of time.


My friend replied that it is "Opportunity Knocks" (1990), so perhaps it is your movie :-)


I looked at the trailer for Opportunity Knocks and it seems to be correct. Thank you very much.
