MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Looking for a movie (SOLVED)

Looking for a movie (SOLVED)

Ok, this has been annoying me for years.. it a action/war movie i saw alot in the mid 90s but i think its from 80s. its a "one man army revenge" type of movie ala "Commando" probably a really bad movie since it is so hard to find

i will try to explain with what i remember :P

it starts with a team of soldiers in vietnam or something ends up beeing ambushed and killed all exept of one soldier that is the main character.

Then later a girl ends up beeing murdered in a hotel, and the guy gets arrested and they start to torture him by putting him in a waterbarrel and hitting him with sticks.. i remember one of the guards yelling "mamoz mamoz".. and laughing. He then kills both guards after pretending to die in the barrel..

then he just go on a killing spree to find the ones responsible for the girl beeing killed.

hope this info is enough to someone to id the movie :D

EDIT: The movie is called Black Fire


Strike Commando? Never watched it, but for some reason is on my watchlist. Either this, or something in the same b-movie vein.


sorry, its not the movie :( but thanks. somehow i feel the title had something like "blakefire" or Blackstone etc..
