MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > 80's supernatural tv movie

80's supernatural tv movie

trying to figure out a movie from the 80s can't remember the title to it as i was very young. it was on network tv and it dealt with a guy that had telekenisis powers and was haunted by his late abusive mother. and the other rememberance of the movie is the house on a peir that explodes when he goes and tries to make tea at the end. can anyone help with this movie title been wanting to watch it for years now.


I remember seeing an awful film in the 80s about someone who could astrally project, and his mother beat him with a broomstick. Does that sound like it? I can’t find what it was called, but a couple of things that it could potentially be are:
The Astral Factor (which has a dead, abusive mother)
Dreams Come True (which sort of looks like what I remember, but I don’t recall it being a comedy)
The Blue Man


no those weren't it


Could it be “The Sender” made in 1982?
