MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > I'm sorry I don't speak French

I'm sorry I don't speak French

What is this movie? I have a feeling it was Leslie Nielsen but it doesn't turn up anywhere. Basically some spy guy meets a mysterious woman who has a heavy french accent. He asks her something to the effect of "Do you want to get something to 'mange'"? and she replies with heavy accent, "I'm sorry, I don't speak French."


I think you're actually thinking of Shining Through (1992) where Michael Douglas is interviewing someone in German (not French) and his interpreter keeps misinforming him about the translation and when he asks Melanie Griffith, she replies " I'm sorry, I don't speak German" because she realizes the guy is a spy and doesn't want to tip her hand that she's on to him.


Thanks for the thought, but it was definitely a comedy and pretty sure it was French. She has a heavy french accent so you're supposed to laugh when she says she doesn't speak french. I also remember him saying the line about getting something to "mange" which is french for eating.

The trailer for Shining Through was pretty hilarious though, so I got a good laugh from it.
