MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Need to know movie title please help!

Need to know movie title please help!

Trying to get title for an older (possibly late ‘70’s) thriller movie. What I remember is main character was a rock or movie star. A teenage girl is infatuated with him and when he marries, she commits suicide. Her parents find her in bedroom then brick off the room with girl still in it. Star some how ends up renting room from the couple and when they discover who he is, they start to kill off his friends and ex wife before plotting to kill him. He eventually finds the girl’s remains in the wall. Can remember some other scenes but hopefully someone else saw this movie and can help me with the title. Please friends and co workers think I made this up! Thanks!!


The Idol Maker


Giggled this title....not the movie I saw. Thank you for trying


The Rock God


Nope but thanks again for trying


I think it may have been an English made movie but not sure. Remember another scene where idol finds friend’s head in garbage can in basement


Try tip of my tongue-section on Reddit. you will get many more eyeballs.


Thank you.
