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A Muppets story in which Gonzo explores his biology (Solved)

In approximately 1995, I saw a feature with the Muppets that had a moment when someone was naming the species of all of his friends and ended with, "...and Gonzo's a...". The referenced muppet inserted, "A whatever." There were scenes that showed Gonzo with several types of creatures, including anteaters, testing out where he best belonged in the animal kingdom. What I watched could have been a short instead of a movie.


I too would like to know what Gonzo actually is!


I don't like the latest suggestion that Gonzo is an alien. I have always thought of him as a dinosaur. It's much cuter in the older movies when Gonzo is portrayed as an animal like his friends. My question here, of course, is what I am recalling. Maybe someone else knows.


The nearest thing is a turkey, but born with "unusual" characteristics. I feel sorry for the poor lil' guy!


I don't see much resemblance to a turkey in Gonzo, particularly since he has no feathers and walks normally. I share your sympathy for him, though. He is sweet and lively, but usually rejected.


When I was a teenager my uncle told me that Gonzo was actually a mosquito. He spoke with such surety that for years I believed it to be true. It wasn't until the internet that I realized there was actually zero evidence to back this up lol


Hmm -- a mosquito actually makes sense to me. I mean, look at that long proboscis thing on his face -- that is totally a mosquito feature now that I think about it.


Haha it did make sense which is why I believed it for so long. I just thought he was actually speaking with some authority on the topic when in fact it had never been established anywhere what Gonzo is.


I've always though he was a bird and that his nose was a beak. He has feathers too.


Yes I think I always thought he was a bird, just with a wonky beak.

I forgot he has feathers too . . . hmm. . .now I have to take back my investment in the mosquito theory, lol! [laugh]


Here, read this. It may be one of the stories listed within.


Thank you, April-151-CT. One of the episodes of Muppet Babies listed in the article that you have linked to is similar to what I recall, especially regarding the anteaters. However, I remember this story as live action. Maybe the matter has been explored again in one of the Muppets shorts.


Movie released in 1999 - Muppets From Space


Thank you, CuriousRabbit. I know. As I have said, this memory is from earlier than that movie, so that can't be what I remember.


It appears that I am remembering two different things, unless if the line that I have presented is repeated in another story. The part about Gonzo's friend not knowing what specie to call him and Gonzo handling it by calling himself a 'whatever' is in Muppet Treasure Island. That movie, however, is not the feature that includes Gonzo spending time with various animals to figure out what sort of creature he is.


At least, I THINK that this has been solved. After watching the Muppet Babies episode "What's New At The Zoo?", Gonzo's reluctance to eat bugs seems familiar, and I remember his being indoors and sitting with anteaters. I can't find any other Muppets story that includes the kind of scene that I have mentioned, so I am going to assume that April-151-CT is right. Thank you, April-151-CT.
