Movie title

Hard to go on but I remember the ending and the main characters are at a fair or amusement park then it ends with a roller coaster derailing and killing them in an accident. Abit hard to go on sorry if it's not enough


Rollercoaster (1977)?[link=tt0076636]I'll let you know when I come-up with a new signature, .


Possibly one of the Final Destination movies, most likely Final Destination 3 (2006).

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Yes, FINAL DESTINATION III seems to answer to your description.


I would say Final Destination 3 but that's how the movie starts, not ends. Hitchcock's Strangers On a Train ends at a fair with a merry-go-round crashing and killing the villain. Could that be it?


The Fury (1978) an extortionist is blowing up coasters.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Think you're getting mixed up with Rollercoaster, mate, The Fury is about a psychic kid occasionally killing people...


Except there is a big rollercoaster scene at the end of 'Fury' too. I didn't see 'Rollercoaster' tho, so it could be that.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Actually, we might both be wrong, mate. After a bit of thought, it wasn't a rollercoaster in 'The Fury', it was a big swing ride. But the Fury was definitely a horror movie about psychic kids and didn't end with a rollercoaster scene, it ended with a shootout in a big house and the female lead blowing someone up with her psychic powers. And Rollercoaster definitely ended with a big rollercoaster crash...

Is it possibly we're talking about different movies with the same title?
