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Isla Fisher divorce : Do you think the genocide made her wake up? deconstructed Kevin Tighe : Frank Tilghman They knew this film would not be as adored as the original The ONLY way forward is a prequel. Trailer hinted at CGI with the head-butt, then the boat explosion Neve will shut her trap on Gaza genocide for a pay rise read first start the max spiers journey here. start the max spiers journey here start the max spiers journey here ! View all posts >


Lana Wachowski is a man dressed as woman, his bones have the male phenotype. Meaning : the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment. There is no other characteristic than Lana Wachowski being a man, trying to speak in a higher tone. When Lana Wachowski passes away the skeleton buried will be male. It is a form of mental illness to think anything else. cannot say a girl "cute" when they want genocide Mel Gibson would beat Jet Li, if both had to each drink a large 2 liter bottle of single malt whisky with smoking twenty cigarettes. Sober though Jet Li would fly gymnastically though the air with more grace doing WireFu than Mel Gibson could ever do in whole lifetime. Toe to Toe both Sober, still Jet Li. Gibson has a slight height and weight advantage, but after about twenty kicks to the face Gibson would be crying like a little girl. As a person I like Gibson more, he has revealed a lot of hidden truths in Hollyweird, introduced stem cells on Rogan, testified against Weinstein, and shown true Christianity against the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev 3:9) @ 06986 You wrote this post in 2015 (9 years ago). By 2010 Mel Gibson father Hutton Gibson's timeline of four mesenchymal stem cell treatments : Hutton Gibson Born : 26.08.1918 Hutton Gibson MSC treatments (four) : 2010 onwards (aged 92, weak heart, kidney, orthopedic condition) Jo Rogan Podcast with Mel Gibson : 17.01.2018 (aged 99, adding 7 years) Hutton Gibson Died : 11.05.2020 (~102 years old, adding 10 years mortality) At least from 2010 Mel Gibson has been taking stem cell secretions, which rejuvenate the body slightly. Good to see you noticed the aging slow and reverse a bit. The fight by the stairs is amazing. The group fight was done where one side wins, then the other side, then back, then back again. All punching and kicking whilst Jet Li is waiting like a cool martial artist at the top of the stairs. The second his side losses, Jet Li reacts, flying in the air, disarms and wallops the lot and finishes with the trademark, upside down on one hand, kicking one, picking up the gun and turning on the other. I'm ashamed that back in 1998, I rented the video on VHS, fell asleep, woken when it finished for my then girlfriend to tell me there was an amazing martial artist I would have loved. Back then I was not aware of the magical Jet Li, and stupidly I scoffed at my then girlfriend thinking "can he really be 'that ' great". Now with hindsight having seen nearly all Jet Li's films, he is one if not the best, and the stair case fight whilst being short and simple is actually one of the best fights. I miss those days. Still sure that Isla realised she married a maniacal Ultra Zionist, clearly enjoying the slaughter in Gaza, made Isla Fisher realise what Goys are. GoyimTV The comment on Jew Tube and Faceberg are flooded with Isreali Defence Force spamming comments. shekels per comment. San Fran is a homosexual paradise Frank Tilghman, who owns the Double Deuce is the last person to murder Brad Wesley. Try watching the whole film again with Frank Tilghman as the bad guy, every single scene makes a lot of sense. Do not forget at the end of the Road House 1989, the whole town come to kill Brad Wesley, and the police do not get a single confession. View all replies >