parkerbot's Replies

So according to you everyone who is Muslim is violent? Please state your opinion so we'll all know what you really think. If you have posted any topics of other religions being violent, please provide a link. Maybe they didn't want to give Lee any music royalties. That's one way to make it shorter ( : Let's see, the people who hate him, won't vote for him. The people who like him, will vote for him no matter what. The people who have been the victim or a corrupt government may vote for him. I'd wager he stands to gain voters, not lose voters. PBOT. Humphrey Bogart movies. Wait for it.. <i>As the traditional Trooping the Colour ceremony approaches, royal fans continue to speculate about whether or not the event might mark Kate Middleton's first public appearance since her stomach operation in January and, later, her cancer treatment. It is now being reported that the Princess of Wales may be "considering" appearing on the balcony during the event on June 15th.</i> If she's not wearing a hat, glasses and a Covid mask, I will be surprised. It won't be offered to him. Should have let RFK Jr take the top spot - he would have crushed it. The baggage of Biden should have been left with him. Agreed. It came off as a Hallmark movie wannabee at times. I can't see the extended version being better. If anything a shorter theatrical version would probably be better. The Taylor Swift bit and the montage scene could have easily been left on the cutting room floor. "I carried that little bitch and when he left, we still won and then I won in NY too." - Mark Messier You got the dates wrong. 1776-1963 Don't be the New Coke of MovieChat. Your puns would seem to validate this statement. Better question is what's misinformation to the government? Cases are completely different. One was brunette and one was blonde, there's a difference, don't be so ignorant of the law. Duh, they're too busy getting ready for Pride Month. A possible foundation.