Narwhale37's Replies

No it means I'm not engaging with your deflection. This is an obvious lie. He has said numerous times that he would lock her up. You're just blinding repeating your cult leader again. More whataboutism. You don't even know my opinion on CNN. Stop trying to derail the conversation. NOOOOO THE GIRLBOSSES WIN AGAIN!!!! ? Whay does that have to do with him being a convicted felon and fraudster? Your man is literally a convicted felon and a fraudster. As for Biden, why do you think the Democrats allow him to do whatever he wants? He gets protested by the left like every day lol This isn't the case at all. Look up what a bloodless coup is. Trump tried to unlawfully seize power and unsuccessfully coerce officials into trying to overturn the election. Honest question though, would you have been okay with Trump ruling in this way? By getting Pence to throw out the certification and entering back into the white house? Did you read the autopsy? Why are you defending crooked cops? Just say that one was bad and move on. Not when the topic is about crushing someone's throat for 9 minutes. No Does this mean you can just kill someone "because they were drunk"? What does this have to do with the officer kneeling on his throat for 9 minutes? Do you think that's accept for an officer to do? Also it doesn't make sense. Even if the director thinks he was a drug addict, that doesn't give you the right to choke him out for several minutes. That's still, by all definitions, murder. Also you don't get to justify killing a random person by retroactivly looking up their past. The constitution doesn't say anything about murder, but all state laws do. This is cope. The movie does a terrible job making Tyler an actual bad guy. It constantly makes him sympathetic, Charismatic and does things people would find cool rather than abhorrent (such as running an underground fighting ring and destroying the loan/credit system). It's clearly a capitalism BAD movie that questions societal conduct of things. It's so ridiculous that movies like this get infinite charitability and that we just assume the author is "on the right side" because he's supposedly a good person. If I write an incoherent essay with holes in the logic, then it's a bad essay. If I make an incoherent movie with holes in the logic, then it's a masterpiece. No the audience doesn't. Either the audience thinks he's "le Chad capitalism destroyer" or "le unapologetic man". The movie clearly made Tyler at bare minimum a tragic villain. If that was what the movie was trying to communicate, it did a bad job doing so considering the reviews of the movie. What would make you not support him? Do some basic research. It's obvious why they didn't allow it. Trump does ignore the voting rights of Democrats. He's was literally indicted for trying to do so. Honestly I don't think he died lol So you're okay with a coup as long as you think there was election fraud?