MovieChat Forums > SandyR > Replies

SandyR's Replies

I did not know that. Do you know Robo well enough to talk about him/her/them like that? Remember that the democrats are now the party of the wealthy, so they will not be impressed by someone losing money. Maybe not satanism, but the occult. The occult has always been fascinating to Hollywood-types. Yup. They love to talk about them, think they know what's best for them, and wouldn't let them in the room if their lives depended on it. It must be awful to watch movies and only be able to focus on the color of the characters' skin. I think there's a word for people who are obsessed with that sort of thing... Sure thing, cunt. Sounds like you haven't seen a lot of movies. Me agree. Kubrick movies make me search for gray matter between my ears. Kubrick movies make me realize me no too smart. Nope. It's all the robot knows how to do. Lucas putting that Star Wars money to good use. It needs the stripper mudflaps on the back. What's an example of a "schlocky horror flick"? Some of the theories aren't really theories--Kubrick worked with a psychologist on writing the script. The anti-American and anti-nuclear family themes are clear as day. The rest of it, of course, is nonsense. Well, there it is. My ancestors committed ZERO sins. Anyone who thinks otherwise can fuck themselves with a crooked butcher knife. So...she's actually a democrat? He's sort of funny, which gives him a tremendous edge over the stuffed suits on network tv. Ah, yes, another possibility. Shameful what's become of Bobby D... No problem, old maid.