JoeBlow88's Replies

Women pretending to be men is a non-issues. The best case scenario is that they pass as a manlet and are mediocre at all things men do. Men pretending to be women, the men have the ability to dominate most female professions. I think its hilarious and we need more of this. This is some of the dumbest shit in history. Movie was comically dumb. German's were a cartoon version of evil villain. Yes, worked oil rigs for 10 years before becoming an engineer. Flow line: general term, likely the a high pressure pipe attached to the wellhead, drill pipe or BOP. (Blow out preventer). In this case i would guess its on the top drive. Kill line: the high pressure pipe attached to BOP on top of the wellbore. The well is considered killed if the hydrostatic pressure is greater than the formation pressure. This is achieved by using a higher density fluid, aka drilling mud. It also lubricates the drill bit. There should be mud: They are probably seeing formation fluids at surface which indicates the formation pressure is greater than the hydrostatic pressure. If this is not controlled the high pressure formation will naturally equalize pressure with the lower pressure atmosphere, resulting in a blow out. There any many preventative step to take to remedy this situation, all of which failed here. I wouldn't say obsessed. 1. No, Rural culture involves premarital sex and partying in the teenage years 2. Yes - perverts do not add value to a community 3. Yes - 99.9% of abortions are caused by poor impulse control, use birth control. 0.00001% are due to rape. 4. Obviously, dysgenic practices are not ideal with livestock or pets. Humans are no different. 5. Over representation in positions of power, Yes Whore.2.1994.LASERDISC.x264-MEMETiC Found it here. Torrent is still live, i'll seed for a bit incase any one else wants it She likes her cum. And two dicks in her. Yes. I am enjoying season 2 That one woman is unsettling to look at. She looks like a grey alien with human skin. When gilmore girls first came out I liked the daughter. Rewatching 2 decades later with wife, i realized the mom was the hot one all along Being a very good mother/father. I played on PS4 and altered the internal clock to speed it up. It was fun. From what i seen these men are not pedos, they had sex with fully developed mid to late teen women for fair sums of money. Example of a 16 year old: The age of consent in Canada was 14 when i was growing up. The prime minister Justin Trudeau banged a 14/15 yr old girl when he was a substitute teacher. That girl won the jackpot, millions of in hush money. For the preschool genre this show is a 10/10 Can't you just post it, with out spamming links? This account seems automated to generate ad revenue for this site. It's Not About Money, It's About Sending A Message.... Seems unlikely. Why did the Germans give their prisoners swimming pools and theaters. But at the same time they are sending them to gas chambers, constructing roller coasters of death, using masturbation machines to kill them, skinning them for lamp shades, making soap from their fat, killing them by putting them in a sack with wild animals. Any other ridiculous claims i am missing? some people making those claims are highly citied authors for historical purposes. I'll pirate it... But not really interested in paying to watch Anya Taylor-Joy... Her facial deformity is unsettling and does not belong on the big screen as a lead. Jump towards the bottom of the mountain with your board on trying to ride it out, assuming the incline is enough that you don't do a dead stop and absorb the entire impact of the fall. I typically have my board tool on me. I would remove my bindings, strap them to the wire rope as handles and ride down to safter place to get off, could be jumping to a tree, into some powder, a steep incline, or a support pole with a ladder. What would you do? He paid to shit on a hookers head, completely legal. I do not agree with the rich people using the poor mans daughter as a toilet. But this is the society we live in. Millions of people can afford to have you killed or shit on with no repercussion.