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AnagramYYZ (485)


Patterns Anybody celebrating this version is an idiot! THIS SHIT IS NO JOKE... OUR COUNTRY IS IN DANGER Fap, fap, fap My rebuttal to a YouTube idiot reviewer Is being eviscerated in Hollywood. :-) Is her reputation being eviscerated in Hollywood? If you don't like Tina, then you don't really understand this franchise Rachel wasn’t a heroine and got what she deserved. Fascinating! View all posts >


BUMP BUMP In my mind, after Trigger, our SNES 1000 AD Guardia heroes did indeed battle Dalton in Porre, and perhaps the monarchy fell… perhaps Crono lost an arm and had cybernetic alterations… but Crono, Marle and Lucca were victorious. They assimilated well into high profile positions within the new Porre militarized Republic, brought about democracy, and grew into their new alter-egos to prevent time travel “Entity” detection. In 1010 AD, under the direction of Belthasar, Nu and the Neo-Epoch, they (along with heroes past & present) traveled the El Nido Archipelago in 1020 AD to assume “Overseer” roles to supervise the tasks of Kid, her Radical Dreamers and the new heroes of Cross to eventually stop the FATE AI of Chronopolis, and the Dragon God. This was all done with the eventual aim to rescue Schala from the Darkness Beyond Time and prevent her further spacetime shenanigans of bringing about a world where there was no one to destroy Lavos in 1999 AD in an alternate timeline. Zenan Mainland characters: Grobyc = Crono Norris/The Dishwasher spy = Marle Luccia = Lucca Guile = Magus (Janus) Greco = Human Glenn (Frog) Radius = Gaspar Skelly = Bekkler Mojo = House of Horrors clone doll Doc = Fritz Orlha = Ayla (still tending bar amongst the riffraff) Prometheus Circuit = Robo All ages line up for 1010 AD, Another World. The characters are barely disguised, are magic specialists (clear from Pip’s Innate Magic Evolution) and occasionally have laughably stereotypical accents. Also, don’t forget that “scientific genius” Luccia (“Ain’t it the truth!”) had and has always had a letter from her previous life to give to her adopted daughter, Kid, expressing her love and explaining why their fears of being identified by the Entity may cause ruin. It almost DID with Dalton & then Lynx. 😉 She KNEW Lucca all right, and she still took care of one orphan… Marcy. Also, Ozzie, Flea and Slash from 600 AD are at the Bend of Time as NPC trainers. How did THEY get there if not recruited amongst a large posse organized by Belthasar and Guile? Corbell, again?! Why can't it ever be Keelai or someone?! You do realize we're not actually having a conversation, right? I'm just laying everything out for the lurkers who want a glimpse behind the curtain of our political age. I have no interest in discussing civics with someone with such a simplistic worldviews and rampant guillibility. Imagine conceptualizing Donald Trump as a person averse to using "sleazy tactics." I nearly spit my coffee all over the laptop I'm using (which was gifted to me by Hunter) when I read that. So... the Hunter Biden "influence peddling" story? As a Democrat, I love it! I especially love how reeking of desperation it is, and how it will reflect so poorly on House Republicans in a historical context. Hell, I'll even link to all the whole timeline, ( as there's no way to perse this without coming to the conclusion that it was all political theatrics. Much ado about nothing. I'd certainly call it a "novel prosecution" if I ever heard one, albeit one that didn't and couldn't possibly result in making him or his father a CONVICTED FELON of a white collar persuasion. Do you remember when the GOP tried to hold Hunter, a private citizen, in contempt of Congress for agreeing to testify, but only if it was held publicly and on-the-record? :Bellylaugh: Oh, I ache! Disgraceful! Rigged, I tell you. Plus, everyone knew Joe Biden was retiring from public and political life in 2016, as we all expected and welcomed the ascendancy of Madame Hillary, the pandemic slayer. I bet she would have been on the phone with Anthony Fauci to navigate the situation as soon as that first case of COVID hit King County, Washington. Probably knew him personally and had dinner with his family. She probably could have saved my favorite buffet-style restaurant, Sweet Tomatoes, from going out of business along with so many others, and hundreds of thousands of lives. Do you know what you'd be saying when she did?! That she and Fauci weaponized the Department of Health and Human Services to win reelection. lmao This response is completely irrelevant. What don't you understand? I laid it all out. It's strategy. "Banana Republic" is the GOP talking point of this election season, not the Democratic Party talking point. I'm a Democrat. In order to use this term... someone has to face penalties. It's not President Joe Biden railroading a political enemy... but the MAGA campaign that <i>you</i>, as a voter, are apt to support will lap that shit up and ask for seconds if your reality star candidate says the "Biden's Deep State" is out to get him. You seem to think that I worship at the altar of DA Alvin Bragg, and I need to stand firm on his righteousness. Or the judge. These guys probably have more in common with Trump than they have with President Biden. Bragg is only nurturing his own ambitions to convict. He'll probably be in the history books, bigly, as the most famous District Attorney of all time! It was obvious that the Trump legal team wasn't actually going to contest the charges, despite their plea, because they *want* the show trial and eventual "guilty" result as a campaign platform. I want to talk more about Hunter Biden's gun charges. Guns, guns, guns. Democrats love guns. Me too, as a former member of a Naval Weapons Department. We need them because Trump wants to take our guns. Republicans are "trying to kill" Hunter. He should be allowed to protect himself against crazy MAGA. I just said that Trump is likely playing the legal system to his advantage as a high profile campaign tactic. Otherwise, he's off the airwaves. His rallies don't make news anymore. His bullying, fornicating, and corruption shock no one anymore. He's transparent. He's the rigger. He's after himself. He didn't even testify in his own defense, nor his wife, nor anyone to suggest that the hush money was anything other than a path to victory. Any rebuttal witness to counter Hope Hicks and David Pecker, especially himself, would likely result in a hung jury. He didn't try a plea deal to confess to misdemeanors, because then the press coverage is over after a couple of 24hr news cycles. He wanted to be arrested. He wanted a lengthy high profile trial. He wanted to say "rigged" and "unfair." He wanted sympathy from usually unlikely voters with prior criminal entanglements. He wanted big headlines. And he wanted to blame the whole thing on "crooked Joe Biden." The Biden campaign is wise to all this, too. It's the reason Hunter Biden films himself snorting cocaine with a hooker, and has pending gun charges. The Republicans are "trying to kill" him. Poor Hunter! The Biden's can play the same game too, but without actually diminishing the Executive office. Hunter's trial is up next. DJT expects loyalty, but he can't get it because even those close to him don't actually respect him or his narcissistic ways. Hunter, meanwhile, will obviously fall on a bullet for the old man, because they are people of love, character, values and personal & professional sacrifice. <i>Those</i> are the kinds of people who should be representing Americans in public service, whether in high levels, or as civil servant "Deep Staters." lmao The DA was able to prove to the jury, using the testimony of former Trump loyalists (particularly Michael Cohen, who already served 36 months jail time for his part of the crime) that DJT admitted on a number of occasions that he just doesn't get elected in 2016 if the Stormy Daniels story got out. He barely got elected to begin with, and by all accounts didn't think he would. Nobody did. What this means is that when Cohen wrote a check for $130,000 of his own money at Trump's direction to silence the porn star, it was the equilivant to writing a person-to-person check to a presidential candidate for that amount. Other testimony helped build a case that the accused even acknowledged that this carried him over the finish line. The limit for such a donation is only a few thousand dollars. It can be unlimited using PACs (Political Action Committees) which is usually how big donors help fund campaigns, but that is certainly not what Cohen did. All this, and then the falsification of records to hide these expenses, also means that Trump and co. <i>knew</i> they were engaging in fraud, and didn't want anyone to know the nature of these "legal fees." I'm a center-left Democrat, and while most Biden supporters are celebrating the verdict, there really is no reason to get excited. It tarnishes the Executive office. It's a blemish on American history. And it's perfectly clear that Trump is actually campaigning on this issue because he knows his cult (and many of those on the fence) have a victimhood and inferiority complex which he hopes to exploit. Everytime he says "unfair" and "rigged," the crybaby tantrum voters feel like he's a kindred spirit. Really, though, he's using everyone to be his whipping boy... the same as he did with Michael Cohen. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He doesn't even care about Melania and his family, otherwise he would have said, "I paid off Stormy so Melania and Barron wouldn't find out" and the case would've never went to trial, and most probably Cohen would have avoided prison, too. They may have only got charged with misdemeanors for falsifying business records. The underlying crime was either to subvert and violate federal campaign finance limits (what Michael Cohen was incarcerated for and admitted), unlawfully influencing the 2016 U.S. presidential election, committing tax fraud, or any combination of the three. That was easy... I can't understand how so many morons here have gone off on tangents instead of answering the question. If DJT would be more forthcoming, we may get a clearer picture, but he has instead pled not guilty with the pretense of this being a kangaroo court. He's always a victim, even though this is a relatively minor charge (particularly compared to the other cases!) and nobody would fault him too much for such white collar victimless crimes. He's shameless and doesn't know the value of redemption. Hope Hicks, his special assistant, I believe it was, testified that Trump said he was glad the Stormy Daniels thing came out later instead of on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape in October 2016, which would result in his electoral defeat. He's such an idiot. All he had to do was pretend to all around him, particularly the women in his employ, that he was ashamed of his actions in 2006 and can't hurt Melania. If he did this, the "underlying crime" would be non-existant and Hope Hicks could be a witness for the defense, even, in a misdemeanor charge. Instead, he is so prideful, boastful and entitled, he can only think about how his actions will affect his bid for the presidency, meaning the felony charge of falsifying the records to unlawfully influencing the 2016 election was warranted and pursued by counsel. He's right that he would have lost, too. Anti-porn Evangelicals would rightfully abandon Trump in favor of Hillary Clinton, a proud Methodist Christian, who walks a narrow, righteous path. He cheated, or attempted to cheat, in both 2016 and 2020... now confirmed. Pfft, I'm sure he'll be an upstanding candidate in 2024!,the%2075th%20U.S.%20postmaster%20general. This is what you saw with your own eyes. Direct result of Trump’s dismantling of the efficiency of the so-called “Deep State” in an effort to reduce it to the swamp he told you to be fearful of. He slowed the mail-in ballot process to use as a “stop the steal” campaign tactic. "There was no crime." District Attorney, Alvin Bragg accused Trump of a first degree falsification of business records (34 times) with the intent to violate federal campaign finance limits, unlawfully influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and commit tax fraud. A jury found that he successfully proved his case beyond a reasonable doubt. Any smart, sane, modest and strategic conservative voter should realize that their ballot should be marked for RFK, Jr in 2024. It's not because they necessarily agree with him or think he has a chance, but because his ridiculous presence in the field alters the perception of a "liberal" to their advantage, and degrades the legacy of the martyred Democratic dynasty of the 20th century. View all replies >