MovieChat Forums > DoubleRD77

DoubleRD77 (78)


I want to be a Na-Baron too :( What if Feyd-Rautha What was inside the huge space craft? Not good Would a modern 2022 personal computer be more powerful If I got bit, would you help me? Does the Common Wealth armor do anything? For $100000, would you go up the tower? Book #3 Next, we need a David Bowie movie View all posts >


What if the outie got drunk every night? You would be the one working exhausted and hungover everyday. You would not have even been able to enjoy the alcohol :(. Machines had survived from the original war and fled to the far reaches of space, and began rebuilding. In the books, Feyd was not bad at first. It was when the Baron took an interest and brought him to his court to raise him is when he was corrupted. He still might have been an effective emperor. I am sure most of the empire would have preferred that, and there would have been less conflict. Ultimately in the long run, they would all have been doomed with the return of the machines without Paul winning and the God Emperor to follow, and create the Golden Path. That was a very mean thing to say ;(***** I am afraid of Nilbog milk :( I am afraid of boxing ;( I am afraid of arachnids ;( I am afraid of liquid breathing systems :( A movie about Peter Steele would be cool. Though most people probably do not know who he is today, with the turn modern music is taking. :( View all replies >