andersonb85's Replies

Ryan Reynolds It's amazing how yardwork makes you feel during & after it's done. The sense of accomplishment & piece of mind you feel after the work is completed. I admire the view with an Arnold Palmer under my covered front porch. He sure was. Jake Gyllenhaal I don't like the tin man at my local Walmart giving me the snake eye in the self checkout line. He may sound weak but he makes more sense than Biden & Trump combined. Waffles, but they have to be crispy. He really is the only choice for voters dissatisfied with the direction of the country under Biden or Trump. It's long past time for a 3rd party to emerge to offset the status quo. Billy idol - Eyes without a face - DR HOOK X-ray eyes - Gene Simmons (KISS) Pale Rider Hang Em High High Plains Drifter Hamm's beer commercial 🍺 6/10 Great song by Vinnie Vincent & Paul Stanley👍 Marty Maraschino (Dinah Manoff) was pretty hot in this or Cha Cha👍 I grew up on TOS. Cant get into TNG, gimme TOS👍 Agreed!👍 Chuck E Cheese