MovieChat Forums > yvesyves

yvesyves (645)


similar movie of " the devil " living in society ?? Love how the two teens slowly get "attracted" by the couple He should have spent more time in the outside world same story as Stallone's " Tulsa King " haha Jodie Foster is such a miscast Seasons with Ashton Kutcher Why no 5th season or movie ? Baby gorilla So the dad opening the car trunk is pure fiction ? Very captivating View all posts >


i loved that scene , to me so unexpected , his wife just 3 or 4 meters away not seeing what is going on inside the elevator , loved it true , interesting coincidence except Fallen with Denzel Washington Clearly you know nothing about islam and how Arab countries were forced to become muslim in the 7th and 8th century , if you don't convert we cut your head off ; same for North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco) which before were NOT Arabs and were colonized by Arab muslims Clearly you know nothing about muslims colonizing Spain, Portugal, Sicily and the South of France Clearly you know nothing about the 18 million black Africans kidnapped and castrated to become slaves for Arab muslims Clearly you know nothing about Arab muslims barbary corsairs from the 8th century until the beginning of the 19th century being pirates on the Mediterean sea, killing and taking as slaves any white Christians they met on European ships. Clearly you know nothing about islam and how Arab countries were forced to become muslim in the 7th and 8th century , if you don't convert we cut your head off ; same for North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco) which before were NOT Arabs and were colonized by Arab muslims Clearly you know nothing about muslims colonizing Spain, Portugal, Sicily and the South of France Clearly you know nothing about the 18 million black Africans kidnapped and castrated to become slaves for Arab muslims Clearly you know nothing about Arab muslims barbary corsairs from the 8th century until the beginning of the 19th century being pirates on the Mediterean sea, killing and taking as slaves any white Christians they met on European ships. Clearly you know nothing about islam and how Arab countries were forced to become muslim in the 7th and 8th century , if you don't convert we cut your head off ; same for North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco) which before were NOT Arabs and were colonized by Arab muslims Clearly you know nothing about muslims colonizing Spain, Portugal, Sicily and the South of France Clearly you know nothing about the 18 million black Africans kidnapped and castrated to become slaves for Arab muslims Clearly you know nothing about Arab muslims barbary corsairs from the 8th century until the beginning of the 19th century being pirates on the Mediterean sea, killing and taking as slaves any white Christians they met on European ships. yeah exactly !!!! awesome movie that pulls you in with its ambiance and atmosphere. Just like Conan the Barbarian, Terminator , Jurassic Park , true classics , and to a lesser extent Jaws. his gold digger gf Cassie also had no issue with the assault since she chose freely to stay with him 2 more years after that , why not break up ?? so pathetic to see all the medias portraying her as a victim while not mentionning that after that she chose to stay with him, so is she really a victim ??? What he could have done , and it's not that far fetched , is take a nice amount of money from the bag and bury it in the wilderness a mile away and then call the cops. The cops after getting back to the station and counting the bag content would know there was missing money but wouldn't know why or how (and would obviously suspect the robbers split/hid the money after the robbery or on the road) , and in the case the buried money would be found the cops would have no way of proving or even simply suspect that he was the one that hid it there. after the couple refused the $10 000 he should have said i'll give you $50k ; the bag was full of wads of $100 bills so even after giving 50k or 100k he still would have had plenty left (if he managed to get away of course) View all replies >