MovieChat Forums > sonans

sonans (1246)


The scene where the terminator bought guns made no sense and was unnecessary. The greatest musician since The Beatles? John Carpenter: “Oppenheimer was OK.” Is this the most beautiful(visually) movie ever made? The show didn't capture the essence of the games: Fallouts were comedies! Fat=bad, Bald=bad, Beautiful=good. Why the fight scene is black and white? Will they release color version? Better than the original... which is a bad thing, because... The director think the movie can help Jake Gyllenhaal win awards. Anyone bought the 4K Blu-Ray? View all posts >


No, it didn't. That is your "fakest part"? How about a hot supermodel being a scholar? Most fans think the best sequel to T2 is Terminator Resistance. A video game with a tiny budget but it had the best terminator story since T2. I would say the story is better than T2 and T1. But which made terminators less terrified. Because terminators are infiltrators, built to fool humans, Skynet is smart to know: making terminators as foreigners is beneficial to infiltrate, because if terminators behave weird, humans would think: "He is a foreigner, of course he is weird." Can you name a better looking movie? Fury Road had greater reviews, but domestic box office was 150m. T-800 didn't use futuristic weapons to kill Sarah. That is what made T2 great: T-1000 rarely used guns. I wish they did the same thing for T1. There are reasons why in horror movies the antagonist rarely uses guns: Halloween (knife), Alien (mouth), Friday the 13th (knife), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (chainsaw), Scream (knife), A Nightmare on Elm Street (knives), Jaws (mouth), Psycho (knife). Using guns to kill is lame, it's painless compared to knife and mouth, that is why no other horror movies use guns. James Cameron didn't record commentary for True Lies, Terminator 1, The Abyss, Avatar 1&2. I'm sad he didn't record commentary for True Lies, I love that movie. View all replies >