MovieChat Forums > RipRoss

RipRoss (391)


Star Wars has gone full-blown woke and degenerate [SPOILERS] This is the most cringe thing to ever appear in Star Wars [SPOILERS] Is Doctor Who finished? The star of The Acolyte is a terrible, ridiculous person The movie poster doesn't fit the tone of the film What are the new, male-presenting Doctor Who’s preferred pronouns? First Take talking today about how O.J. Simpson was a "hero" Chad Warden was right Image being messiah of the universe, but... If this got remade today... View all posts >


I thought the fourth one did a pretty good job of mimicking his style, but it would be nice to see him come back if they do a fifth one. Boom shakalaka It's ironic that she looks like a man considering how much she hates them. They've always hated us. They're just free to fully express it now. Disney is betting big on the black lesbian market. Maybe it has something to do with Hollywood and mainstream movies being anti-Christian in general and anti-Catholic in particular. Anyone who watches movies even casually should have been able to see the pattern for decades. He was a male prostitute. I haven't. I hear the first two episodes are just meh, but reports are that the third episode is where is starts getting over-the-top woke. Definitely spoilers here, but according to leaks, in that episode <spoiler>it is revealed that two lesbians in a coven of Force witches conceived Mae and Osha immaculately, and the Force is revealed to be a female entity. </spoiler> More proof... Already down to 41% now. View all replies >