MovieChat Forums > DmitriKnipper

DmitriKnipper (202)


A Wes Anderson fan's review Cooper Hoffman and Brian Wilson The Bizarro Jerry Show - episodes Setec Astronomy A line that still holds true today, alas. Quick review Archie View all posts >


=face palm= Goodbye, Norman! You could eat off of Nina's hair. Any scenes with the escaped road gang still shackled together, especially when they all inexplicably have bicycles except for Virgil. I wouldn't say there's anything weird or creepy about this. Many of these actors were fairly elderly back in the 2000s. But you can't miss the Death Blow! A pleasure. I've been rereading Moviechat comments on Hitchcock movies today, and your thoughtful posts are always an oasis in the mass of grunts and petty complaints one too often finds on this site! The film "Women in Love" (1969) has the very same set-up in which characters, at a fete, are able to row across a lake to a nearby island. And one of them sings "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles"! (Was director Ken Russell adding a homage to "Strangers on a Train" here?) View all replies >