MovieChat Forums > robocop2019

robocop2019 (193)


Can you recommend a movie from the 1980s that is known for having exceptionally high-definition and high-quality picture The character "Daniel Plainview" played by Daniel Day Lewis is the Epitome of Cinematic Characterization! What are your top 5 movies from 2023 so far? Movies where car breaks down at nowhere. Movie that shows dominance ! Details in description. Movies in which you sided with bad guy? Movies with loneliness as main theme? I never watch old movies. Can you recommend one movie from 50s-60s that could get me going? Is there a movie that could help me lower my beauty standards? (Details in description) A movie or series that gives same vibes as "Succession" (super rich and powerful family) View all posts >


" I'm wondering if you even have the best available copy of Tron to use as a comparison (standard BD)" No my friend. I don't. That is what I am trying to explain to you. I don't have the Tron in all it's glory not even standard BD. Nobody does as it's just not out there. And that's also my point. Since the only version of Tron that is available is just 1080p and that too grainy. It's of no use to me. As I said earlier. I have asked this question not for academic debate but for enjoying it in my leisure time. What use is it to me even if it was shot on world's best camera in the history of mankind, if original is 4k or 400k if it's just not available. Man, that is indeed a surprise. I checked out the movie. It's fascinating to think I am able to look back 60 yrs ago in time in such detail :D Without getting into theoretical aspects, just look at "Gemini Man" and "Tron" side by side. Do you not see that "Gemini Man" has far better picture quality? Yes, 3.2K is much lower resolution compared to 70mm, but the results are evident. And yes, you're right that there has been a generation of loss— "first-generation film prints struck directly from the camera negatives"—which we can't see today. So, there's no way to truly compare them at their best. Also, I cannot go back in time. May be my intention was not clear in my post: I want to find a movie that I can enjoy watching for its visual quality, not for academic or historical comparisons. Older than what I was looking for but thanks. I will definitely check it out. To me it seems like the landscape changed drastically between 60s and 80s in the movies. While the statement that 70mm film "blows today's advanced camera technology out of the water" holds some merit due to the inherent resolution advantages of 70mm film, it's an oversimplification that overlooks several key aspects of modern digital technology. With modern cameras you get: Dynamic Range and Color Depth Digital footage provides greater flexibility in post-production Digital cameras offer consistent results with every shot, as they are not subject to the same variability as film stock, such as grain structure and chemical processing inconsistencies. Here is a footage of Gemini Man (2019) I can't think of any movie from the 90s that even compares to the level of sharpness, detail, dynamic range and clarity as this footage. You are right. Javier Bardem's performance left similar impression on me as well. And I was confused about a few things as well and I had to go back and re-watch bits and pieces. There are so many subtleties like for example one of the questions that arose in my mind was "How did Daniel know that the guy pretending to be his brother is not actually his brother?". Then I went back to the scene where they are on a beach and Daniel mentions "peach tree dance". When he doesn't get a reaction from the imposter , he repeats himself looking at him and get a lousy "yeah". That's when he realizes that this man is not his brother because he doesn't seem to remember "peach tree dance" which was probably something he believed his brother would have remembered. Yes, indeed. I wish, this had been a series so we could have gotten more of it. Well it's useful to me. Someone who hasn't watched a lot of movies from 2023 and wants to. Those great movies. Unfortunately, I have already watched all of them. :/ It has nothing to do with being superior than thou. I used to love those movies but as I have grown older I have begun to find them silly. They are silly on purpose because they are meant to please younger audience. View all replies >