MovieChat Forums > Burgershmurger

Burgershmurger (1298)


SPOILER! Ending makes no sense Is the GB franchise dead? Jenko's departure So she boned both of them Frasier getting the grammar wrong?! So much music! Always thought Gibson was Scottish Hate to tell you, Nolanites Ken strikes back Margot Robbed View all posts >


I agree. It ended abruptly. What about Shira and Hannah' and their relationship? What about Ema and Whitney? And where did the paramedic take Mickey's dad? Surely at the hospital they determined he was dead. But if the paramedic had taken him straight to the shelter, then they'd be wondering where he was taken. The finale didn't feel like a final episode. Plots were being set up for more episodes with no resolution. Does the novel expand on the plot? Beats me. Maybe FX is too small a channel? She probably hated herself for being a junkie. And she realized she's always gonna be tempted even after rehab and no one is ever going to trust her again. O'Hara knew she was still using and that made Jackie realize that she would always be a junkie. Apparently not. He has no projects down the pike. I saw it on a small tablet screen. That's probably why I missed the shoddy CGI. They could reboot it and set it in the 80s. No need to have it take place in 2024. He was unhinged from the get-go. Any sane person would have walked away from that fling instead of turning into a stalker. It's the ideal Lalaland family! Over time it will make a profit from dvds, tv licenses and streaming. Doesn't it prove once again that there is no such thing as star power? Instead of wasting gazillion on stars, maybe they should hire newbies who cost a tenth. How did stars become stars anyway? With a good movie, not with their name recognition because they had none. View all replies >