SweetTooth43's Replies

This paragraph right here --> Indeed, great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system. If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate," he wrote. No, I had no idea And have no Republican's backing him? You really thought that one through. She's always been plain to me That's all he knows how to type is LOL! I think he's slow or a small child LOL! Because they hate him on a personal level. They think he's a shrewd and disgusting man, mainly because of the lefts propaganda machine against him. Even though he's the better choice for President (better economy, secure borders, low crime rate, better world relations etc.) they still won't vote for him. They will never get past it. They would rather see this country go further into chaos under the Biden cabinet's disfunctional pro-criminal, mass spending, open border policies then see Trump in the White House for a second term. It's pretty selfish if you think about it. Aww, you gonna be ok sweety pie? If you're a wuss, you better watch it at home in your safe place. Laughing not crying. Enjoy your gay movie The pacing was a little off. A lot of down time in between some action scenes. Also, the way Godzilla moved like a statue. I know they're paying tribute to the old movies but still. If it is written well, then it'll be good. It all depends on that. And they're here illegally. What's your argument? Nah he doesn't. He knows the whole ordeal is just a desperate tactic by a weak party. A party who are obviously just weaponizing the justice system against their political opponent because they don't stand a chance of winning legitimately. Especially after this disastrous journey they have taken our country down the last four years. Cool, nobody cares Do you have a life shit stain? Where'd you learn how to spell shit stain? Do what you want, nobody cares I've seen way worse. I didn't think anything of it to be honest, and I hate shaky cam. The cinematography was excellent in fact. It's means they drive Porsche 911's