Mrmojo4700's Replies

Science! And he knows the Dude. These are others from 1984 that are pretty popular that I really like a lot. The Bounty Angel Savage Streets Body Double I definitely don’t have any big favorites from 1999. I don’t doubt at all that many got the films on your list are really good, just not to my personal taste. My vote would easily be for 1984. That’s a great list for that year you provided, and I could think of many more off the top of my head that I like a lot. It’s probably just my viewing habits, but none on the 1999 list do much for me. Surely, you can’t be serious. LetterboxD has a section that tracks this, and these are my results from the last few years since I’ve been logging my watches. Lifetime rewatches would be completely different. Don’t be hard on yourself. It’s a mistake anyone could make. That’s awesome! Embrace the experience and let what you found lead you in the right direction. Thank you, Mr Crisp. I wouldn’t be a mod long because I’d eject them all. lol You better believe it! My favorite Coffy scene 😀 Exactly. It’s like all the trash that normally reside in the politics section have moved over to general discussion lately. It’s poison, so I just post under the movies I watch. For some reason the mods aren’t putting them in their place. The Cure - Disintegration Lenzi is on the record as having stated that he enjoyed and is most proud of the war films he directed, above all other genres. He had to direct in whatever genres were popular at the time to stay working, unlike guys like Argento or Leone who directed whatever they wanted for the most part. But yeah, he was a history buff and loved the few war films he was involved in. That one I have not seen, but I looked it up and it’s got a great cast. None of them are cooler than Giovanni Frezza in The New Barbarians. :) Your right! What about their battle axes?