MovieChat Forums > Kennedy

Kennedy (101)


Too much fantasy Such unlikable main characters Dark Can't remember movie name - Fat guy succesfully hitting on multiple women and all the drama that brings Give it a chance beyond the horrible first episode Some remaining questions Why this movie is getting absolutely flamed on imdb defied convention though (spoilers) View all posts >


Just keep ripping on Marcus.. Yeah, in some s7-s8 episodes he is really borderline retarded, like when he shoots the egg-eating-robot instead of the criminal, thinking it went sentient. And that can't be played off as him goofing either since it's a life or death situation. But wasn't like that in first seasons and I like the sent-off they gave him too. Oh I thought it was gonna be the tech genius messing with his (digital) scale so he estimated his weight wrong and made the cord too long. The ending of the series was full of hope: having resolved Trudy's murder, moved on from the obsession of getting back to the police force, shown to get a handle on more and more of his phobias, bonding with a dog and considering keeping it (but for some unforeseen circumstances). It's just dark and miserable that he fell apart again after that to the point of almost suicide. Also didn't like all those ghosts showing up in the end, they didn't seem to be projections of his own mind like Trudy was in some series episodes (and I already hated that). Plot was not too interesting either. The old team is back (minus Sharona) but they don't have a lot of interaction with Monk and they don't have the same friendship as they had, it's more like an awkward high school reunion. Also there are several episodes where Leland is out of commission for one reason or the other, and they always show Randy very competently organising the whole crime scene and initial investigation (something more important for a real life chief of police than making brilliant leaps of deduction). This goofy young lieutenant schtick he has in SF is also just the dynamic he has developed with Stottelmeyer as the young rookie coming to learn from the old master who has seen it all, but probably he will not behave the same way when he will be the superior officer. This actually strongly mirrors what happened in real life in East Ramapo, New York where a majority of people without children in the public school system voted in a school board of people without children in the public school system and no knowledge or interest in the public school system with the only goal to defund it so they would have to pay less taxes. Listen to this episode of this american life! That is a pretty extreme example and happened right in the year this episode was first broadcast! But knowing american politics a bit i'm sure there have been plenty of other school board elections where incompetent republican candidates are elected on some platform of lowering taxes at the cost of public education. At this level of local government there are plenty of people getting elected without charisma or skill just because they belong to the right faction and/or espouse a populist platform. Yeah I also didn't like the season. I think it was the new school, which seemed so boring, without any edge. It's the most tolerant liberal utopia of a school ever and we are supposed to believe they are not gonna get the lift fixed so the wheelchair person can go to his classes and move his classes downstairs until it's fixed? It's not believable that this would be anything but a passing concern so why would you as a viewer care? The new characters didn't really grab me and seemed to have been added to the story on the basis of some 'gotta catch them all' logic as I already mentioned above. I wonder if that's because I'm a white heterosexual male and I can relate less and might have some subconscious remnants of discrimination in me, or if any people that are non-binary, trans etc. themselves feel the same way. Adam, one of my favourite characters, still had his own story but standalone unconnected to the rest of the cast so it felt disjointed. Maeve I never really liked but she's a main characters and sticking her somewhere abroad having her own stories, also unconnected to the rest of the cast is also wrong. They should have either kept them in or written them out. And the sex-counsellor-battle, completely pointless and so forced... Why could there have to be only one? Why would whoever loses not just continue to provide sex advice to their friends? The stakes are literally 0. I cannot imagine anyone watching and caring about that. Not all! Pete bangs his friend's mom at the friend's wedding! I don't think paulah is implying in any way that it would have made it ok. View all replies >