MovieChat Forums > Bergstein77

Bergstein77 (3)



Very good point, and I also love that last quote. Very true! I agree...TOS is a classic and will always have an indelible mark on the history of television but I really think that the Star Trek universe was more effectively fleshed out with TNG, in terms of utilizing the many different races and their viewpoints to create complex and interesting storytelling. I never thought a show that had a Klingon in Starfleet could be realistic but TNG pulls it off nicely and I love how in the beginning Worf was barely a little more than a glorified extra but then in later seasons his life and story are really explored. It created a nice character arc for him. I also think that Picard's humanity and ethics are so symbolic of the best qualities in people, especially influential and productive ones. And Data. Very likable and has that childlike innocence and wonder that is so captivating to watch. Long live TNG! Best of them all! I agree...too much of this new-age Hollywood/Marvel Comics vibe in all of these new incarnations of my favorite Sci-fi shows and movies. Gene Roddenberry's vision was one of exploration, of humanity and other discoveries (within our selves and other races). These new films are so laden with eye candy and spectacular action/effects that the message gets lost in the translation. I much prefer sitting down to ST:TNG or TOS than any of the new movies any day! And I really agree on the misfired humor! It's almost embarrassing some of the jokes/gags that make it into the final cut of the films. View all replies >