MovieChat Forums > Splinter88899

Splinter88899 (46)


How much did Hamas pay for this movie. Seriously Splinter Learns Martial Arts from Kung Fu Movies. So there Super Advance Aliens. But.. Is the reason why Martin hates Marvel Movies. Is because all his movies are about A-Hole. At most. This was Just Okay. Play the Video Game, You Lazy Bastards. All the Barbie Porn Parody are better than this movie. Why?? All of Greta Gerwigs movies. Its Michael Bay's Transformers for Women. So this whole movie is about Guilt Tripping people for not liking miles. View all posts >


I don't even find his movies that creative. 90% of his movies are about White Dudes Raging against the World. While each Stanley Kubrick film was about something total different from film to film. I didn't like all of Kubrick Films. But can't say he wasn't up for something new. Did Scorsese make a Sci-Fi Epic. I don't think so. I find Alfred Hitchcock films to be far more entertaining. Im not a boomer. I just like good music and the shit they make today. Which is mostly shit. You think the movies bad. Because it actually has good music in it. Most movies don't have Taylor Swift and Beyoncé. Because most directors don't want shitty music in there movie. Im pretty sure that was suppose to be a Oppenheimer Joke. Something people don't get anymore. More or less. It Is a Bad movie. the plot dosn't make any sense. Its basically Bayformers for Chicks. Titanic was overrated as hell. But at least it gave the Audience what it wanted. A Sappy Love Story. This movie gave people what. A Trip to the gynecologist office. Its too bad that all that money will never make the movie good. If it gets anything beyond the technical awards. It prove why the Oscars are complete joke. View all replies >