TheArgentinian's Replies

out now. the soap opera twist and some iffy score, like the acoustic montage. that's how he rolls. Reboot. 0 is the first number in programming. "I know you are but what am I?" 😂 I wouldn't expect a Trump supporter to care about facts. RS is Literally just citing quotes. you're shooting the messenger. you still hang up on that covid shit? get over it already. geez... what debate? Save this lifehack for paywalls: type this: and add the url of the website you want to read. Let me know if it worked. Yes, the "swamp", the "deep state", or whatever conspiracy buzzword he sold you today. you mean moderate Republicans? They get ostracized for not supporting the supreme leader. oh, so you're one of those Qanon nutjobs. should have known not to waste my time with logic. Right but I don't think it's purposely finger pointing. It's a logical step in the context of the story. This is nowhere near guerilla style filmmaking. It's a Hollywood movie that looks like a Hollywood movie done with permits, not that I dislike it. that should not even be a partisan commentary unless you think only one person would be capable of such thing. Interesting how you associate all of those things with Trump and Republicans. Most talented artists have/had messy lives. They aren't all likable. That's fine. Talent comes with a price. What annoyed me the most how "I'm not like other girls" pretentious she was. Or was portrayed as. Lady Gaga? the pop star with the most generic music out there? lol there's only one sniffing scene. very tame compared to the real life story. we never see her doing anything.