MovieChat Forums > AssetsonFire

AssetsonFire (144)



You just said the same thing with different words. I'm embarrassed for you. Yes, many predictions still bear out. So you're outraged by 'historical discrimination' (which seems to amount to a handful of movie characters doing bad accents) against a practically non-existent Indian population, but contemptuous of rednecks. Says it all. Big deal, Indians were 0.3% of the US population 30 years ago, even now they're barely over 1%. They're lucky to even be included. It was pretty ridiculous IMO. Caruso yelling at people to call 911 while the woman's laid splatted on the road (duh), cars flying 30 feet in the air (no idea if this happens in reality but it looks comical), the bad guy stopping at a red light after ramming his way through traffic, Chinese monks karate chopping the car while the rest of the parade carries on oblivious, one car 'punching' an other off the pier. Who gives a shit what some woke scold on tvtropes thinks has 'not aged well'? And I ask this as someone who isn't a fan of Kinison. Quite the megalomaniac. Delusion noted. That is my refutation. Others have already explained why most of your examples are dumb. View all replies >