e3e34ifj's Replies

Walt Goggins is a pretty cool name those things, whatever they're called, are in the Star Wars Bounty Hunter game on PS2 and they can leap across the entire map and kill you in one or two strikes. How so? Is this satire or something? I would love to believe this and I hope there's footage of Peter Dinklage being thrown around by Tom Cruise. That's interesting. I'm 24 and I imagine my top 100 will be very different 50 years from now. I'll compile my top 100 soon because this list has me intrigued. This is a really unique list with some stuff I haven't seen. Only ones I really disagree with are Cinderella Man (not bad, but pretty generic boxing movie with cheesy Hollywoodisms taken to real life events IMO), Field of Dreams (really schmaltzy, never liked this one), and I honestly think To Kill A Mockingbird is a tad bit overrated lol. Also, which Black Rain are you talking about, the Ridley Scott movie or the Japanese film? Well he did both Catch Me If You Can and Gangs of New York in the same year. I think either/or could be considered. But I'd accept The Aviator as the first time people saw him as a legitimate talent. I think he would've made an excellent Batman, but I'm not sure if he would've made for a good Bruce Wayne. But I agree his Batman would've been really similar to Snake Plissken I imagine. I mean you asked the question, why are you dissatisfied with the answer? Gilbert Grape proved he was the next big actor everyone should look at. Titanic proved he was a bankable star with a massive fanbase. Catch Me If You Can proved he was a legitimate actor with serious ability. I agree this is the weakest. The first half is just the characters waiting around for the war to start, then the rest of the movie is the war, plus another hour of pointless "comedic" resolutions. Like how many times do we need Gandalf's commentary saying stuff like "the board is set" "the pieces are moving" "this is going to be the war of our lifetime" like shut up bro, we know. That didn't happen at all in the new Indy film tho??? If you are seeing this in every modern action movie, you have your own deeply rooted insecurities. You should look up the political affiliation of the director, who has openly stated that he made this film as a critique against Reaganomics and the Reagan administration. I know what you're talking about, but that can't be the shark roaring since its head has been blown off. I always thought it was the sound of a ship sinking, which is timed with the shark's carcass plunging deep into the water. The OP is right, only a wimp would scream in agony while getting ripped to shreds by a giant shark. I agree. As a kid I had no idea what I was even looking at and I think I actually skipped that scene a few times because I saw it as a non-funny lull in a very funny movie. But watching it again it's very creepy. It does a great job representing the mental insanity that was playing on repeat in Ray Finkle's head, like you could actually feel him snapping under the weight of his own failure. The announcer repeating "the Dolphins lose!" over and over again while the camera zooms into the sign that reads "REVENGE" is genuinely unnerving. It basically turns into a football version of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre for about a minute. The Thing, Prince of Darkness, and They Live have my favorite ends. Vampires has a great open ending too, though the final few seconds before the end credits are kinda cheesy. I agree, it's a very good movie. Can't believe the majority of this board is shitting on it. Ridiculous. I'm sure if Zendaya were replaced with Alexandria Daddario or Sydney Sweeney then nobody on this board would hate it. What's the deeeaaal with poptarts? What's up with thaaaat?!? It's pretty good, what do you mean