blue1981's Replies

Right on!!! I'm pretty limited on spending money but if I give $20 I'm sure I'll get some cool campaign updates outside of the normal news. I'm currently unemployed but thinking of making a $20 donation I know that's nothing but I consider it more of a symbolic gesture. The Corrupt Assholes that make up the Deep State must be stopped or America will cease to exist. I think the Expendables was a great concept but the movies vary based on the execution of the director, screenplay, and budget. I liked 2 the best 4 was probably the worst movie of 2023. Nice!!! Falling Down is a classic. I'll admit to liking food on their breakfast menu but that's it. The brainwashed TDS suffers will riot after the conviction is overturned on appeal. Biden has already made comments saying "no one is above the law". Really Joe? Let's talk about how you've ignored the Supreme Court in bailing out entitled brats of their student loans or provided weapons to Isreal for the Genocide in Gaza. It makes me want to puke. Yes I'm hopeful this shame trial and verdict will backfire. I'm sick to my stomach but trying not to be black pilled. I believe this will all be thrown out on appeal and it's disgusting to think all of you people inflicted with TDS want to reelected the demented Retard currently in the White House. It feels hopeless but I'm hopeful by November the corrupt Demented Retard who thinks he's President will lose in a landslide and Trump will be President again. It's awesome and it's a movie that could only have been made in the 80s. I have it on Blu-ray. It will get thrown out on appeal. The TDS suffers think they have won but you likely just handed the election to Trump come November. Voyage of the Rock Aliens (1984)- You can find it on Tubi and Vinegar Syndrome released it on blu-ray. Imagine if Grease was set in the 80s and had a New Wave Soundtrack. Seek it out because its a blast!! It would be hilarious to see Biden get replaced by Hilary only to have her lose the Presidency for a 3rd time. Fake fan and we all know it. The Red Pill The Dementia patient in the white house has had many racial gaffes that are well documented. I could be wrong but I think the media tried to push this story before but it's bogus or could never be proven. The Deep State will do anything to stop Trump. There's times when I really don't care if I'm seen as a sexist asshole and this is one of them. Movies DO NOT have to be all things to all people and they are better when then they are not. A woman has no business being in charge of a male centric movie franchise that has always appealed to us and if you don't believe that's okay its you who's the problem. Fuck her and her worthless minions. I'm sure Steven Spielberg loved your coffee as his secretary and that's all you'll ever be good for. This is the one issue that has genuinely frightened me during the last three of having a phony demented figured head President. Our government hunted down these people and destroyed their lives to make a point. Many of them have been held without trial for over three years. Hell Douglas Mackey was convincted for shitposting memes and this could happen to any one of us. That's why hope there's some sort of class action lawsuit as well against the people in DOJ who abused their power. If reelected Trump must pardon and free all of these people immediately. I'd take even one step further and have a class action lawsuit setup against the Mayor of DC and Nancy Pelosi. Trump wanted the National Guard there but both of them stopped it from happening. They wanted this false flag operation to happen to usher in the dictatorship of the Biden Regime.