MovieChat Forums > SteveRes

SteveRes (486)


R.I.P. Tony Ganios (Perry) Ben Cross Barbara Bosson RIP R.I.P. Sean Lock Boar - New Razorback Remake? Is This A Razorback Remake? R.I.P. Rodney Bewes View all posts >


Cor blimey, love a duck, that xeno just ran up the apples and pears.... do me a favour, cor blimey we're gonna end up brown bread me old china, I think we're in Barney Rubble. Look up the meaning of Penis Envy in the dictionary and there's a picture of Kathleen Kennedy. I took a trip to the zoo last week and I saw a gnarly, scarred 700 pound rhino that looked more feminine. Fascinating series and I believe this Fiona lady is indeed "Martha" and stalked the guy but the revelations coming out now that she was never convicted and things were invented in the series for "dramatic" purposes is worrying. If you're telling a true story based on abuse, mental illness and criminality I think it's important to keep to the facts and only the facts. What else in this series never really happened? It muddies the water and causes doubt, which gives this Fiona ammunition. My biggest question after watching this is once he started sorting his issues out and had Martha arrested why didn't he tell the Police about the writer who raped him? The show leaves you with the feeling the guy got away with it which is supremely depressing. Yep. I bailed after two episodes. The production values are laughable, with amateur dramatic level acting and crowd scenes that consist of ten people. The talking heads were annoying and stating their opinions as fact, particularly that chubby white guy. I was looking forward to this series but it was awful. The original plan was a wooden planet inhabited by monks but the studio stepped in, were tight with the cash and turned it into a drab prison with unlikeable characters. I always liked the original idea, had a mediaeval vibe and went back to some of the weirdness of Alien. Could have been a contender. Why does this movie have to have a "moral message"? This is the problem with culture today, all the fun's been sucked out of it by morons like you. The Jan character in the original play was short and fat, so they kept the "fat" dialogue but made the slim Jamie Donnelly wear baggy clothes to try and give the impression she was fat. She's also almost constantly eating throughout the movie. It's a classic track but Barry Gibb singing it would have been the wrong choice. At the time he was heavily associated with the disco movement, it would have sounded way too contemporary. Frankie Valli was a perfect choice, he had Gibb's range and was an icon from the early 60's whose voice would instantly transport viewers back in time. Great reply, this exactly. Snowflakes today just like getting offended by everything, even Grease ffs. View all replies >