MovieChat Forums > NorrinRad

NorrinRad (5059)


President Obama Humor vs Ex-President DJT Is this a movie that would be considered "Woke"? The future looks promising for this Nigerian based animation/entertainment studio Cheseboro in more Deep Do-Do!! Re-Indictment is possible after plea deal. 😢 DJT opines that he would have done better if he were Black? πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ€£ "Kraken" gets no relief from Supreme Court DJT's Greatest Accomplishments: 1st Ex-President to be awarded a GAG order and fined for Criminal Contempt @ $1K per for $10,000 DJT Killed the USFL, helped the NFL, and won $1 dollar! Make that $3 Dollars! πŸ€£πŸ—½ (M)aking (A)ttorneys (G)et (A)ttorneys: Charges Filed Against Three Lawyers Who Helped Trump Challenge The 2020 Election DJT still has 88 (No longer 91) Charges in Queue as of Today. Only 3 have been dismissed. The Clock is Ticking! View all posts >


<blockquote>[–] Branson26 (476) 10 hours ago Your reply has nothing to do with why they didn't indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.</blockquote>Here is a factoid that you are missing: You're working in the <b>Court-Of-Public Opinion</b> where DJT's actions, words, and lying have no real "LEGAL" consequences. DJT's crimes aren't being adjudicated by your beliefs. DJT is a Criminal Defendant being held accountable by the Legal System of the USofA. You believe a bunch of made-up talking points and nothing happening in the Courts by a Judicial system resonates with you. Tsk, tsk. <blockquote>[–] Corbell (8634) 4 hours ago i have no interest in a debate on semantics.</blockquote>Do you think that what you're calling "Lawfare" which is nothing more than "Due Process" against a Criminal Defendant being executed in NY is a legal debate? You actually think that DJT is in a debate and that you are participating in the MovieChat foxholes by holding down and defending the ample rear Flank of DJT? πŸ—½πŸ˜‚ <blockquote>[–] Corbell (8630) 14 hours ago Jesus Christ, too much of a pussy to own your snivelling attack on Trump? Pathetic.</blockquote><b>Observations</b> of DJT's behaviors, actions, and words are not <b>Criticisms</b>. πŸ—½πŸ‘ <blockquote>[–] Branson26 (475) 3 days ago They would've have indicted Trump years ago if it was about Trump's guilt.</blockquote><b>β€’β€’ DJT Completed his one and only term and expanded the deficit each year of his termβ€’β€’</b> <b>β€’ Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected.</b> <b>β€’ Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote.</b> <b>β€’ Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned.</b> <b>β€’ Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted.</b> And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR. <b>β€’ DJT didn't lower your taxes (He deferred them)</b> <b>β€’ He didn't get you that healthcare coverage</b> <b>β€’ He did not unite the USA, he divided it</b> <b>β€’ He didn't lower your prescription prices</b> <b>β€’ Didn't get your roads or bridges built</b> <b>β€’ He didn't decrease the deficit</b> <b>β€’ He didn't end the opioid crisis</b> <b>β€’β€’ He made over 250 visits to his golf clubs costing us taxpayers $150 millionβ€’β€’</b> <b>β€’ He didn't revive the coal industry</b> <b>β€’ He didn't make covid-19 'disappear'β€’β€’</b> <b>β€’ He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall <b>β€’ He is ranked the worst President in historyβ€’β€’</b> <b>β€’ He added $2 Billion a month in tariff costs to the American consumer</b> <b>β€’ He has a net-negative jobs creations for his administration <b>β€’ He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers <b>β€’ He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit - a full 25% of the total</b> <b>β€’ He incited an insurrection against our government <b>β€’ He is the only president to never achieve 50% approval. <b>β€’ He didn't put "America first" and he sure didn't "Drain the Swamp... <b>β€’ He left office with the worst job numbers of any President since the Great Depression with a net job loss over his term</b> This is for Patriots, dumb magabilly cult zombies won't get the message, too far gone.. <b>Orange Turd</b> submitted by Stormy Daniels. πŸ‘ But wait... There is more! <blockquote>[–] Bubbathegut (17234) 2 years ago My bad. I thought everyone liked Pecker.</blockquote>Looks like "Pecker" didn't float neither your nor DJT's boat?!! <blockquote>[–] BKB (6336) 5 months ago At this stage, Hunter Biden stands more of a chance at going to prison for tax evasion than Trump you moron..LOL</blockquote>DJT and Hunter Biden are not running neck and neck as DJT leads the <b>Goto Jail</b> race by a LOT!! <blockquote>[–] Galilguy (2332) 10 months ago I think the TC is going to wind up in a padded room. Writing on the walls: "orangemanbad" a million times.</blockquote><b>Fun Fact:</b> In the DJT Hush Money Trial in the state of NY it is on record that <b>"OrangeTurd</b>Man"-Is-Bad. Wow! Never saw that coming did we?! πŸ‘πŸ—½πŸ‘ <blockquote>[–] Branson26 (463) 16 hours ago Happened before and during his presidency?</blockquote>DJT lacks self-control when it comes to both <b>Crime</b>-ing and <b>Lying</b>. After awhile that catches up to you as so noted into evidence by the prosecution. πŸ—½πŸ‘<blockquote>Yet they waited until after he was running to indict...</blockquote>You seem to have a problem with procedure and Grand Jury developments. DJT used the system of "Due Process" and the Court of <b>Public Opinion</b> against itself.<blockquote> imagine that.</blockquote>Yes, "Imagine" the Arc of Justice bending awkwardly towards fairness just to accommodate DJT. Accountability must be awarded to DJT as he is going to fight oversight and being held to the same standard that all are held to. Stormy Daniels is a US Citizen just as DJT is a US Citizen, both being heard in front of a jury. πŸ—½πŸ‘πŸ—½ <b>This Is America!</b> πŸ—½ <blockquote>[–] Branson26 (462) 3 days ago After he decided to run. Imagine that.</blockquote>Your Chronometer is a bit off. DJT's Crime spree happened before, during, and after his failed presidency. <blockquote>[–] Branson26 (456) 18 hours ago Trump was indicted 5 months after he decided to run. I wonder why?</blockquote>DJT plays <b>Stupid</b> games and gets awarded <b>Stupid</b> prizes. Make that $10,000 and soon to be followed by <b>Incarceration</b> if he continues to play a <b>Stupid</b> game with the courts. View all replies >