MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

If it were any good I would have been able to get through it, but I couldn't. You could talk about various aspects of the show, but if I can't even force through it, then it is bad, at least for me. And it does not look like I am the only one with that opinion. I tried to watch it, but could not get through, but I watched a number of reviews of the episode 3, most of which are actually far more entertaining. This one I think talked about the plot problem the most: If you watched the episode 3 do you really have to ask? A group of force witches so powerful they can create life, have to run and hide in the big fortress on the top of a mountain, probably can be seen from space, and all killed by one little girl in an accidental fire. I wish your people leave politics out of this place, at least not in movie discussions, but you seem not going to do that. This is a place for people to complain about movies and TV shows, if you want to see praises go watch commercials or read variety articles. Anyway, I am going to put you on ignore list, because you are obviously here for politics, paid or unpaid. I thought so too, until someone showed me a snapshot of what used to be, and it was not really much better. What you are feeling is nostalgia. And to think of it what you are unloading here is kind of one of those rants as well, heavy on politics and personal attacks, light on movie discussion. I guess to feminists male audience, or in her words anything 'Not female-centric', is a niche market. I think there are actually people do charity work without a camera crew following them around, or just to pad their resumes. But I agree most celebrities doing charity either doing them for publicity or at least making sure they are getting the credit. I was just saying he seemed to make an effort to sound as bigoted as possible, in a way making anyone criticising the show look bad. So I am thinking she could be a feminist under cover, as a way of more sophisticated trolling. If she did it or donated money and nobody knew, and someone eventually found out, I'd say you were right. But clearly this is more of a photo OP. Some celebrities even do fake donations, which means the news says they donated but they actually did not, but the organisations are willing to admit that for publicity, because they are celebrities. So it is kind of hard to tell what kind of people they are. What is especially interesting is that Steven Spielberg is the chairman of the Starlight Children's Foundation. Don't get me wrong, even just for publicity I am still happy they did good things. But I won't so gullible to just believe what media are selling. You kind of don't know which side he was on. I think it is sort of clever that when they fail they blame the audience not progressive enough, if they succeeded they would just claim what they did worked, they were right all alone. I think it is at least partially a butt covering strategy, that is what happens when someone incompetent is in charge. That is the narrative they are going to use when the show fails. But I think the low rating is more than merited. If I haven't watched it I might think that. But I watched 5 minutes of the first episode, even written a review about it: So I'd say the rating is still too generous. I think the force used Luke more than Anakin. Luke looked far more like the chosen one. It is like the Sith created Anakin, and I use his child that sort of thing, in the end using Luke to turn Anakin yet again. Kind of poetic justice. I usually enjoy his ranting about Disney shows, but the plot was just so boring, I was even bored watching it. I can accept THAT, but they could create life using the force, such advanced force users, why do they have to run and hide? And they were all killed by one little girl, so easily. Now that is unacceptable, on so many levels. Though I did not watch it actually, but I watched one of the reviews, which gave a good summary of the plot: What Palpatine's proposal was, as I understand, I don't know how to do that, but at least in the darkside there could be powers possible. But as a Jedi he was not allowed to save her, and if he tells other Jedis they are just going to tell him to let it happen. They hardly care some politicians live or die. Of course there is also this secret marriage thing. So he had nowhere to turn, I think that was why he turned. But that does not mean being Sith is a transformation of character, he was still who he was, there was no reason to suddenly turning from a warrior into a butcher. <blockquote>He already killed the sand people children.</blockquote> We were told so, but that happened pretty much off screen, also sand people were supposed to be savages and murderers. But the killing of Jedi younglings looked up to him, that is quite a different thing. At least that is how I felt. Yeah, I don't see how was that necessary on screen, you'd think at least he had the pride of thinking that was beneath him and let the soldiers do it. Not even Jedis can block a firing salvo or heavy guns. That is kind of the major failure of the prequels, you lose respect for Anakin, it is worse than just boring. <blockquote>I don't think Padme should have died. It's non canon as per Leia in ROTJ.</blockquote> I don't think it really mattered, give simpler explanation why Luke and Leia were orphaned. And the death of the mother was not a strong enough motivation for Anakin's turn, they have separated for a long period of time. The vision of Padme's death was the key for Anakin turning to the dark side. Divorce or separation does not sound the same. So it had to happen, even that was kind of felt not enough for Anakin to suddenly start killing a bunch of kids. Padme's death was another poorly executed idea in the prequels. I think the idea was fine, just not execution, too simple and neat. She died because she lost the will to live. Why would people commit suicide any other way if that worked? Holding one's breath to suffocate sounds more believable. Anakin did not think Owen Lars was a real relative, but showing some jealousy of him spent so much time with his mother would have been more nature. Again probably because prequels were for children, Lucas did not want to make it too complex, with too much character development. We are complaining I think mostly because we are grownups, and prequels are pretty much cartoons.