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LoveCatsHateDogs (1587)


Excruciating pace Where's all the shills trying to hype season two? She looks like when you pull a cat's face back How much would it cost to adapt my story into a movie? Buccal Fat Removal? Missed opportunity for tentacle rape Hints of Jeff Goldblum Casting Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa... Did Cassandra have sex with Bobby? View all posts >


When you can trust youtubers more than you can trust professional critics, you know something is fundamentally wrong. Weird, it notified me that you had replied to my post. I stand corrected. How does me being here telling people to come to their senses and stop watching help Disney? Anyone dumb enough to stream this and increase its views on Disney+ by one is directly responsible for how awful the next steaming pile of Star Wars dogshit that drops out of Disney's asshole will be. The only way to unfuck this and stop the objectively terrible content and the destruction of the brand is to turn our backs on Disney Star Wars. Just stop watching it for fuck's sake. No, I have never and will never watch this dogshit and because of that, I am not an audience member. You racist piece of shit. Whining on twitter will only hurt in the long run. Especially if the winds change and someone dredges up your out-of-fashion post from ten years ago. Celebs need to learn to shut up about basically anything and everything, and especially politics, and just stick to acting and spending all their money and stop concerning themselves with the world outside the happy little bubble they live in. I remember a few years ago Kristen Stewart was upset that she had to wear heels on the red carpet in Cannes because those are the rules for women at that particular event, and meanwhile somewhere else in the world someone can't find clean drinking water. Fuck off, celebs. Part 2 did very well because it was a proper old school practical FX movie that doesn't hold back, and treats its audience as something other than ultra-fragile snowflakes. Proof that you don't need to spend 300 million dollars and appease Blackrock quotas to make a movie. You mean 40 exes? I remember those graphic novels but the name Yautja is fucking lame and always has been. I think that was an M60. View all replies >