GreenGoblinsOck8's Replies

It's still worse than what Trump's guilty of. It's probably referring to the line, "2 ******* just stole my truck!" He makes a good point since Bill Clinton had sex with a woman in the Oval Office and the democrats let him get away with it by using the words that woman. Trump may have secretly had sex with a woman in a hotel and tried to cover it up, but that's not nearly as bad as what Bill Clinton did with Monica Lawinsky in the Oval office. I'm not even voting. I don't like Trump and I don't like Biden. Plus Biden will win my state of Illinois anyway cause most everyone in Illinois is a democrat. I will vote for local senators and congressmen but I'm never voting president or governor again. Most people stupidly vote for the worst candidate for president and governor. Nah. IMO it isn't that good but it's better than Superman 3 imo. Certainly has more entertaining moments than 3 imo too. The first 2 are massively better but between watching 3 and watching 4 I will take 4. Just to name some scenes I like that are much sillier than the first 2 but better than 3... 1. The scenes about him getting rid of nuclear bombs. I like it even if it's stupid. 2. Every scene of Lex Luthor though his nephew is annoying. 3. The fights with Nuclear Man. I know why people vehemently hate it but I still prefer the 4th one to the 3rd any day. The Monopoly Man looks awesome! I don't know where you hear that. I am a Christian and think capitalism works. Also, most socialists I know are people who aren't Christians. Also in the 1950s a lot of businesses were closed on Sundays and the economy was fine. Why not just stay bald and wear a fancy suit like 90s Billionaire Lex Luthor? Gettysburg-Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain drinks coffee while resting on a giant stone near Little Round Top. I believe that as much as I believe my little brother who lives here in Southern Illinois will start dating Mary Elizabeth Winstead in a month. Thanks. I don't care what anyone says. I liked this one. Not as good as the first 2 Ghostbusters movies but was enjoyable to me. I'd call him a Cyborg. A human being who relied on robotic limbs to get around. Luke was a cyborg after getting his hand replaced with a robotic one. I've heard Jack Nicholson can be hard to work with. Nah. It only gets a 6.4/10 on imdb. That's not that good a rating. It means most people consider it an okay movie. But not a great one. I like it myself and some of its sequels. But the majority of people think it's not that good. I'm in the minority like the guy you responded to not liking Temple of Doom and preferring even Krystal Skull and Dial to it. I find Temple boring and annoying. I don't like the kid or the love interest. Now Raiders and Last Crusade are the best in the series but yes. I prefer those but I'll take Krystal Skull and Dial of Destiny over Temple anyday. You are aware in the original comics Bruce's father had been dead for years at the time he became the Hulk, right? So his dad being alive and a villain to Hulk is not accurate. Also no Rick Jones which sucks for this and the MCU. Rick Jones is hated by Hollywood. I'm fine with it. He's still American in his personal life. I'm more concermed about Lex Luthor being the villain. I mean, couldn't we have someone else for once? The closest thing to that is the early 90s Comic series Robocop Vs. The Terminator. Though they changed it in that so that Robocop causes Skynet to be created.