Heisenberg's Replies

Yes, that could have been something awesome. Lynch's version also shows glimpses of what a strong vision and a pair of balls can bring. Villeneuve seems to lack personality with or against the system: he gets his scifi shots and he's happy to be subdued about everything else. He needs to learn how to develop interesting characters and themes if he wants to stick to this kind of filmmaking. This thread makes no sense and is unnecessary. Nope, she's a cuntt Prrrrrrrrrrrrr! Why? Is being "happier" to you more important than being right? Like I said, it's a goof that could have taken little to fix. Why not fixing it makes you happier? I looked, things are exactly the same. Being anti-vaccine is still not reliable. Imagine his face when they told him later on! You are a pathetic excuse for the oxygen you waste. You have no argument to debate here, you just troll with insults this website- and planet. Cuz she is in this. It's self explanatory. There's another one. We live in scary times, where ignorance and counter culture have become so widespread. Unfortunately there is no vaccine to cure your stupidity. Yes, you can. I can feel the love, for the material that preceded them and for the work they were doing, and amongst themselves. You can tell they loved making it, and we love watching it. The handlebar moustache should have sealed it for ya Cuz they fag asshat! lol Tunisia. .....and intentionally slowed it down. The original Heisenberg was also known for supporting GERMANY but not the Nazi... Corbell, you sound like a reasonable person with a good grip on reality and politics. Why would you feel that my OP is addressed to you? I wrote about Trump trolls on MC. How do you think that is you?