robocat893's Replies

Okay then. Keep wasting your time with worshiping Trump who is a 34 times convicted felon. That's why you're dumb. So what? It's not illegal to pay someone hush money through an NDA. What Trump is convicted for is that he falsified records to cover up his using campaign money to pay off Stormy. That's why Trump was convicted. Are you really this stupid that you don't see this? Look at the comments here claiming that the US is a Banana Republic. It's funny because Trump will bloviate a word or a phrase then his cult members repeat those things one after the other. Not one original thought in any of their heads. Trump should have hired you as his attorney because you think you know the law more than the prosecutor . Trump was convicted of 34 felonies and that will never change. You are dumb and that sound you hear is everyone laughing at you. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป I'm curious. What did you win here? Is there a trophy or a prize? You are an imbecile for thinking you won something here. You are just another stupid anonymous user here who thinks they are special on a public message board. ๐Ÿคฃ Brain Damage by Vendetta I agree. This is the oldest post I've seen here. ๐Ÿคฃ Explain exactly what you mean by comparing being an atheist to a convicted felon? Your stupidity and gullibility is astounding. Why are you worshiping Trump who is a 34 times convicted felon? Be honest. How much money have you sent to Trump? You know Trump's private jet doesn't refill itself. You claim to be a good Christian so why do you worship Trump who thinks religious people are stupid? Trump is a known athiest and he is definitely not the messiah you claim he is. Trump was convicted of 34 felonies so you are stupid because you worship a criminal. What happened to the law and order party you Trump supporting morons claim to belong too? Now that Trump is a convicted felon will you release the proof that you claim to have that the 2020 election was rigged I think you secretly hate Trump and you're just trolling here. Otherwise, why do you refuse to help your orange master? I am an atheist and I don't believe in any of your gods. So what? Why does that trigger you? The rest of your comment is just pure bullshit ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ’ฉ I am deranged. So what? At least I'm not as stupid as you. Explain exactly why you worship Trump who is a 34 times convicted felon? Be honest. How much money have you sent to Trump? Aw... You're really upset that the orange shitgibbon is now a convicted felon. Here, have a tissue. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ–•๐ŸปYou are very stupid. Be honest. How much money have you sent to Trump? I didn't know that so many Trump supporters like the OP are attorneys. You should see how many of them are on Yahoo comments that are attorneys. I have news for you. Jesus is just one of many fictional characters in a book of fairy tales called the Bible. Aren't you a little too old to believe in imaginary friends? Anyway, I'm sure you call yourself a good Christian so why do you worship Trump who is a known athiest? Trump just pretended to be a Christian during his presidential campaigns so religious suckers like you would vote for him. Be honest. How much money have you sent to Trump? ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ Hurry! Send Trump your hard earned money because he needs to refuel his private jet then return to his resort and shit in a gold toilet. Trump is just like you. You Trump barking seals are hopeless. I hope you will soon stop worshiping Trump and realize that your orange master is just a grifter. What is stupid are people who send their hard earned money to a billionaire. I guess stupidity is not fixable. I see you're struggling with accepting Trump's 34 felony convictions. Where did you go to law school? Here, have a tissue. ๐Ÿงป Power by Rainbow I'm an old metal head but I like this video. So many colors!