MovieChat Forums > Ldlamb

Ldlamb (595)


Beautiful story Scene choices- mild spoiler I liked it islands? 9/19 episode Evidence? Kinda spoiler Collateral Ending Objection View all posts >


Two great pieces of art Every kid should see this…it’s wonderful Yes He said he hadn’t been sober in 30 years…so who cares when he checked into rehab Sometimes in life…there is more than 1 bad guy. Yeah..I’d bet quite a bit of cash that the author is anti-“cultural revolution”. It’s because there were state by state laws and regulations that had to be abided by for beer to be sold in various states….since Coors wouldn’t do what it took to sell the beer in states East of the Mississippi….the state laws that made transporting large quantities of unregulated alcohol into a state against the law…turned what happened in Smoky into bootlegging. No one would have cared if you bought a 12 pack in Nebraska and drove it home to Georgia….but trucking in a whole of it was against the law and would have legal consequences. Kind of in the same way that having a poker game with your buddies at your house is allowed…but if you turned your basement into a full on casino you would attract some unwanted legal attention. Eh….it was decent…and obviously had a plot….you just didn’t like it Here is a VERY long NY Times article about Coors from the 70s View all replies >